• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Prepare for an interview for the position of C Developer!

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Are you going to your interview for the position of C Developer soon? Take up the challenge and prepare yourself thanks to a well-matched set of questions.

An interview is an inseparable element of every programmer looking for a job, to prepare the best and perform well in such an interview, go through over 150 popular questions that appear during job interviews on various topics. After completing all theoretical and practical tests, you will receive your result after each, showing you at what level you are prepared for such an interview and you will be able to thoroughly analyze the questions.

What is the result of the practice test?

The pass rate for each practical test is 75%.

Are the questions multiple choice?

In order to reflect the form of the interview as much as possible and to raise the level of difficulty, the questions are single-choice and multiple-choice.

Can I take the practice test more than once?

You can take each practical test multiple times. After completing the practice test, your final result will be published. Each time you take the test, the order of questions and answers is randomized.

Do I have a time limit for practice tests?


Each test has a time limit.

Take the challenge today!

150+ Questions – Job Interview – C Developer

Prepare for an interview for the position of C Developer!»

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