
Recommendation #2 of 31 for Optimizing Health and Extending Lifespan

Did you know that limiting alcohol to 7 drinks or less per week reduces risk of premature death by up to 53% and can extend lifespan by up to 4.5 years?

Why is excessive alcohol intake so bad for you?

Drinking more than 7 servings of alcohol each week, raises blood pressure. High blood pressure results in increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Despite the serious health risk from drinking more than 7 servings of alcohol per week, the average U.S. adult consumes 9 servings per week.  And 26.5% of U.S. adults report binge drinking in the past month, defined as 5 or more drinks in a sitting for men, or 4 or more for women.

But limiting alcohol intake can be difficult.  Alcohol is often over consumed to treat underlying anxiety and boredom. Is there a way to limit alcohol in our chronically stressed society?

There most certainly is! in this course, Dr. Cohen, a primary care doctor in San Francisco, shares with you effective strategies for limiting your alcohol intake.

The course begins with an introduction to psychological health.  Dr. Cohen explains the importance of mental health for physical health. He describes the prevalence of alcohol problem in the U.S.  Next, he’ll share with you the medical research that shows the harm from excess alcohol use including years of life lost due to over consumption. Next, he’ll share with you tips that he follows for limiting alcohol consumption. You’ll hear the answers to frequently asked questions, followed by a summary of the information presented. 

Finally, in the bonus section, you’ll see an introduction to Recommendation #6: Treat Anxiety. Anxiety often leads to excess alcohol use, and excess alcohol use often leads to anxiety.

Limite el alcohol a 7 porciones o menos por semana

Recommendation #2 of 31 for Optimizing Health and Extending Lifespan”

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