Udemy Gratis: 10 proyectos en 10 días – HTML, CSS y JavaScript

learn 10 example in 10 days using JavaScript CSS and HTML.That will take you to the next step of your journey

Are you interested in learning web development and want to master the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? Look no further! Our course, «10 Projects In 10 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript,» is designed to provide you with hands-on experience and practical skills in building interactive web projects.


Over the span of 10 days, this intensive course will guide you through the creation of 10 different projects, each focusing on specific aspects of web development. By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as a portfolio of impressive projects to showcase your skills to potential employers or clients.

Day 1: JavaScript Accordion

In this project, you will learn how to create an accordion component using JavaScript. You will explore techniques to toggle the visibility of content within collapsible sections, allowing users to expand or collapse information.

Day 2: JavaScript Tab

Tabs are a common feature in websites that allow users to switch between different sections of content. On this day, you will build a tabbed interface using JavaScript, providing users with an intuitive way to navigate through information.

Day 3: JavaScript Scroll To Top Tutorial

Smooth scrolling to the top of a webpage is a popular user experience enhancement. You will learn how to implement this feature using JavaScript, ensuring a seamless scrolling experience for your users.

Day 4: JavaScript Sticky Header Tutorial

Sticky headers are fixed navigation elements that remain visible as users scroll down a page. You will learn how to create a sticky header using JavaScript, improving the usability and aesthetics of your website.

Day 5: JavaScript Side Menu Tutorial

Side menus are commonly used for navigation in mobile and responsive designs. On this day, you will create a dynamic side menu using JavaScript, allowing users to access various sections of your website with ease.

Day 6: JavaScript Slider

Sliders are great for showcasing images or content in a visually appealing manner. You will learn how to build a JavaScript slider, incorporating smooth transitions and customizable features.

Day 7: JavaScript Confirm Box

Confirm boxes are used to prompt users for confirmation before taking specific actions. You will learn how to create interactive confirm boxes using JavaScript, enhancing the functionality and interactivity of your web applications.

Day 8: JavaScript Modal Box


Modal boxes are popular for displaying additional information or capturing user input. On this day, you will build a JavaScript modal box, providing users with a focused and immersive experience.

Day 9: JavaScript Filter Table

Filtering and searching through data in a table is a valuable feature for many web applications. You will learn how to implement a JavaScript filter table, allowing users to quickly find and sort information based on specific criteria.

Day 10: JavaScript To-do List

To-do lists are a staple of productivity apps. In this final project, you will create a JavaScript to-do list, enabling users to add, remove, and manage tasks in a dynamic and responsive interface.

Throughout the course, you will not only learn the technical aspects of web development but also gain valuable problem-solving and debugging skills. Each project will challenge you to think critically and apply your knowledge in practical scenarios.

By the end of «10 Projects In 10 Days – HTML, CSS & JavaScript,» you will be equipped with the skills and confidence to build your own interactive web projects. Whether you aspire to become a front-end developer or enhance your existing web development skills, this course is the perfect opportunity to take your abilities to the next level. Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development!

10 proyectos en 10 días – HTML, CSS y JavaScript

learn 10 example in 10 days using JavaScript CSS and HTML.That will take you to the next step of your journey»

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