Simple and effective time management techniques and strategies to increase the productively exponentially
What would you do if you have an extra hours per day? Sounds impossible? In this course, we will shows you how to get more done in the shortest time possible and give you more of that precious free time. The course lays out the theoretical and practical foundations for being more productive and explains the time robber that can get in the way.
Time Management skills are beneficial in both our personal and professional life. Our Time Management training course is specifically designed to enhance your skills in planning activities, identifying objectives and goals, scheduling task, prioritising essential tasks, preparing for a meeting, using technology for managing schedules, etc. for getting tasks done more smartly.
Section 1: Introduction
1. Soft skills
Explain the meaning and importance of soft skills
Explain the meaning and importance of hard skills
Bust common myths
Explore other common soft skills required for growth
2. Why time management
Understand why time management is importance
3. Self-assessment
Analyse the current status on time management
Section 2: Common Time robbers
1. Common Time robbers
Identify common time robbers
Assess the time robbers which are impacting us
Section 3: Tips
1. Common tips
Identify simple yet effective tips for time management
2. Time Management Matrix
Explain time management matrix
Apply to improve the productivity
3. Personal SWOT Analysis
Explain the meaning and importance of Personal SWOT analysis
Apply Personal SWOT analysis for proper planning
4. SMART goal setting
Explain the meaning and importance of SMART goal setting
Apply SMART goal setting for proper planning
5. ADKAR model of change
Explain the meaning and importance of ADKAR model of change
Apply AKDAR model of change for improving the productivity
If you’ve been looking for strategies to help you manage your time more efficiently, this course may be well worth your time.
Técnicas prácticas y efectivas de gestión del tiempo
Simple and effective time management techniques and strategies to increase the productively exponentially»
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