
Get a brief overview of everything you need to learn to master Hard Disk Forensics.

Introduction: Welcome to my comprehensive course on Hard Disk Forensics! This course aims to provide a brief overview of all the essential concepts you need to learn to enter the world of Hard Disk Forensics. In just about 36 minutes, you will acquire a solid understanding and a map of resources to systematically learn and practice Hard Disk Forensics.

Course Overview:

  1. In this course, I’ll introduce you to a systematic conceptual model that plays a crucial role in understanding the various sub-systems analyzed in Hard Disk Forensics.

  2. You’ll learn about the basics of several key components, including Filesystems, The Sleuth Kit tools (the backbone of Autopsy), Partitions, Partition Tables, Partitioning Schemes, Data Link standards like ATA and SCSI (with a focus on ATA), and more.

Foundation for Mastery: This course will lay a strong foundation for your journey to mastering Hard Disk Forensics. With the knowledge gained, you’ll be well-equipped to explore the fascinating world of digital investigations.

Systematic Conceptual Model: I’ll start by defining a conceptual model with five layers:

  1. Application Layer

  2. Filesystem Layer

  3. Volume Layer

  4. Interface Layer

  5. Physical Layer

Understanding the Layers: Throughout the course, I’ll delve into the basics of the first four layers, providing you with valuable resources to explore each layer in depth. This systematic approach will enhance your comprehension and practical skills.

Key Resource: The primary book I have referenced for this course is “Filesystem Forensic Analysis” by Brian Carrier. This resource has been instrumental in shaping the content and knowledge shared in this course.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to confidently navigate the realm of Hard Disk Forensics.

Análisis forense del disco duro

Get a brief overview of everything you need to learn to master Hard Disk Forensics.”

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