
Watching clips from movies and TV shows is a fun and effective way to learn English idioms

Learning English idioms is essential if you want to speak and understand English at a native level.

In this free course you will:

  • Learn common English idioms

  • Watch idiom usage in movie conversations

  • Study correct pronunciation of English expressions

  • Improve your overall English level

The course includes the following English idioms:

  1. Piece of cake” = something easy to do.

  2. Cat got your tongue?” = Have you nothing to say?

  3. Be on the same page” = understand a situation in the same way; agree on something.

  4. Raining cats and dogs” = raining very heavily.

  5. Sick as a dog” = very sick.

  6. Left out in the cold” = ignored, forgotten, or excluded.

  7. Have a sweet tooth” = like to eat sweet food.

  8. Bend over backwards” = try very hard to do something.

  9. Blow your top” = become very angry.

  10. Break a leg!” = Good luck!

  11. Cry me a river” = you can cry or complain a lot but you will not get my sympathy.

  12. There are plenty of fish in the sea” = there are many other choices.

  13. Under the weather” = feel ill.

  14. Know the ropes” = know how to do a job or task properly.

  15. Have bigger fish to fry” = have something more important or more interesting to do.

  16. When pigs fly” = never, impossible.

  17. Flash in the pan” = someone or something that promises great success but fails.

  18. Cut corners” = to do something in a cheap and easy way, or act illegally.

  19. Afraid of your own shadow” = easily frightened.

  20. Lose track of time” = to be unaware of what time it is.

  21. Blessing in disguise” = a misfortune unexpectedly turning into a good thing.

  22. Let the cat out of the bag” = reveal a secret.

  23. Cry over spilled milk” = be upset over something that can’t be fixed.

  24. Blow the whistle on someone” = to report someone for doing something wrong.

  25. Bite your tongue” = don’t say what you want to say; keep your mouth shut.

  26. Give someone a taste of their own medicine” = use the same methods against your opponents.

  27. Hit the nail on the head” = do or say exactly the right thing.

  28. The last straw” = the last of a series of irritations, incidents, remarks, etc.

  29. Bite the bullet” = do or accept something difficult or unpleasant.

  30. Drop in the bucket” = very small or unimportant amount.

  31. Drunk as a skunk” = very drunk.

  32. Jump ship” = leave a job or activity.

  33. Add insult to injury” = hurt the feelings of a person who is already upset.

  34. Fresh off the boat” = newly arrived from a foreign place.

  35. Do a runner” = leave a place quickly.

  36. Bull in a china shop” = clumsy person.

  37. Give someone the cold shoulder” = be unfriendly to someone.

  38. An arm and a leg” = extremely expensive.

  39. Head over heels (in love)” = to be very much in love with someone.

  40. By the skin of your teeth” = just barely.

  41. My lips are sealed” = I will not tell anyone.

  42. Rule of thumb” = method that is not exact but is based on experience

  43. Fight fire with fire” = use the same methods against your opponent as they are using against you.

  44. Steal your thunder” = prevent someone from having success or getting attention by doing something first.

  45. Let you off the hook” = allow somebody to escape from a difficult situation or punishment.

  46. Play it by ear” = to act according to the circumstances; improvise.

  47. Change of pace” = change from one type of activity to another.

Aprenda modismos en inglés con películas y programas de televisión

Watching clips from movies and TV shows is a fun and effective way to learn English idioms”

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  • Certificado de finalización
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