
Pwned On Python

In this Udemy course, “Mastering Password Security:  Pwned On Python,” you will delve into the critical aspects of password security, the risks associated with compromised passwords, and how hashing plays a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data. By the end of this course, you will have gained invaluable knowledge and practical skills to create secure password hashing systems and build a powerful password checker tool using Python.

Building a Password Checker Tool:

  • Combine the knowledge of password hashing and API interaction to build a practical password checker tool.

  • Develop a Python script that allows users to input passwords, hash them, and check for potential breaches using the Pwned API.

  • Enhance the tool by organizing code into functions

  • Learn to use hashlib and the requests library.

Organizing Python Code into Functions:

  • Understand the importance of writing modular and reusable code in Python.

  • Learn how to define and implement functions to break down complex tasks into manageable units.

  • Apply best practices for code organization, enhancing code readability, and maintainability.

By the end of this course, you will have developed a strong foundation in working with Python, some of its libraries, proficiency in working with the Pwned API, and the ability to create efficient and organized Python code. You will be empowered to build your password security tools, contribute to enhancing cybersecurity practices, and ensure the safety of sensitive information online. Join us now and take a step towards becoming a formidable defender of data integrity and privacy.

Dominar la seguridad de las contraseñas: Pwned en Python

Pwned On Python”

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