
Low-Code No-Code Platform for Web and Mobile application Development

What Is A CRM?

And how do we Zerocode it?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the combination of practices, strategies, and technologies that companies use to manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The goal is to improve customer service relationships, assist in customer retention, and drive sales growth.

The Customer Relationship Management system (CRMS) is software that helps us achieve the above goal.

A Typical CRM has Five modules. The performance of a CRMS is heavily dependent on swift communication between these modules:

1. Company

2. Contact

3. Product

4. Lead

5. Follow Up

From this point on, let’s place ourselves in the shoes of a business that needs a CRMS. This will help us understand and visualize these modules better.

Let’s have a brief look at each of these modules:

1. Company:

The company module holds the data of several companies present in the niche of the industry. This is the list of companies that can be our potential customers.

2. Contact:

The contact Module holds data about the contact that represents a particular company.


3. Product:

The Product module contains details of all the products or store-kept units that we are going to sell to the customers.

4. Lead:

When a company is interested in our products, they are converted into leads. A lead is a potential customer. The leads module contains information related to the lead such as the products the customer is interested in, the quantity that he/she is willing to buy, and tax, etc.

5. Follow-up:

The follow-up module holds the data related to all the future, planned meets, and calls between us and the customers.

ZeroCode: guía para principiantes sobre el desarrollo de aplicaciones

Low-Code No-Code Platform for Web and Mobile application Development”

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