Become a job ready flutter developer.
Flutter is defined as the Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile (Android, iOS ) desktop (Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia) and the web from a single codebase. Since Flutter is cross-platform, you can use the same code base for your iOS and Android app. This can definitely save you both time and resources. This course will help you to move from junior developer to experienced developer. You will have the knowledge of «How to implement a structured project?». Your code will be easily readable, maintainable and sustainable. You will get a real experience from a real project so that you will start coding from scratch to build clean architecture project with MVVM. You will build presentation layer, data layer, domain layer and application layer step by step. This architecture is designed to make it easier to create stable apps even when outer elements such as UI, databases, or external APIs are always changing. It’s essentially a collection of best practice design principles that help you keep business logic, or domain logic, together and minimize the dependencies within the system. After completing this course you can reuse the source code of this course and customize on it to build your clean architecture with MVVM project in a professional way.
Flutter Advanced Course – Clean Architecture With MVVM
Become a job ready flutter developer.»
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