Learn about Virtualization, VirtualBox, Vmware, Hypervisor, VM, EXSi. Configure and manage Virtual Machines from scratch
In this course, you will get a detailed understanding of the components that make up a virtual environment to lay a strong foundation for mastering computer virtualization and is designed for beginners who have little or no knowledge of virtualization. You will grasp the concept of virtualization and how it is used in corporate environments.
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Virtualization is one of the most interesting and beneficial concepts in today’s IT world. Nearly everyone in IT has heard of virtualization and most have some experience with virtual datacenters. This video training «VMware vSphere Virtualization from scratch» is created with a focus on IT professionals that are trying to learn virtualization, but could not figure out where to start as most training out there assume you already know the concept and start at a more advanced level than a total beginner. This training was created to fill that gap and to help network admins, storage admins, MS Infrastructure admins, server admins, and so on catch up with the virtualization boat before it’s too late.
In addition to the lectures, there will be quizzes, homework, and hand-out material just like a live classroom training
A Complete Masterclass of Virtualization from scratch
Learn about Virtualization, VirtualBox, Vmware, Hypervisor, VM, EXSi. Configure and manage Virtual Machines from scratch»
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