• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Learn the basics of information security and what you need to know to be compliant with data protection regulations

Over this course, we’ll be covering some of the basics surrounding information security, and what you need to know in order to be compliant with most of the world’s data protection policies, as well as some of the different ways in which data can be secured.

Course topics include the following:

* Physical and logical information security and the relevant methods with which this can be achieved.

* Auditing and accountability so that any actions are monitored and tracked.

* Data retention policies so that data is only held for as long as it is needed.

* File and folder permissions to help keep sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands

* Activity logs and alerts to help identify any information security threats and prevent future ones.

* Dealing with external staff and contractors, who can often start working for an organisation on short notice

* Data protection and compliance and what you need to know in order to best protect your company

* How to deal with any information security breaches that may arise

* Reporting obligations and what information you would need to provide on such a report

* An overview of root cause analysis, so that you know what caused an information security incident in the first place.


Note that the contents of this course are intended as general guidance and not legal advice. If in doubt, speak to your company’s IT / information security department for specific information regarding your organisation’s policies and procedures.

Information Security Basics for IT Support Technicians

Learn the basics of information security and what you need to know to be compliant with data protection regulations»

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