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Windows PowerShell || Begginer to Intermediate

What is PowerShell?

PowerShell is a cross-platform task automation solution made up of a command-line shell, a scripting language, and a configuration management framework. PowerShell runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

PowerShell or Microsoft PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language

PowerShell is Microsoft’s incredibly powerful command-line shell and scripting language that has transformed the role of Sys Admin. If I were looking for just one skill to add to my sys admin toolkit, it would be PowerShell.

I’ve helped hundreds of students learn the fundamentals of PowerShell. Join me in a short course that will make a distinct difference in your career. Learn Microsoft PowerShell in an afternoon.

What We Cover ::.

  • Intro of Powershell

  • Basic Operator

  • Task and Service

  • System Info

  • Network Info

  • Wireless Opearator

  • System Configuration

  • Local User Management

  • Disk User CMnds

  • network truobleshooting

  • Utility Cmds

  • Into Of Powershell ISE

  • $PS scripting Basic

  • $PS scripting Projects

The Evolution of PowerShell

In 2002, Jeffrey Snover of Microsoft realized that Windows did not have a good command-line interface and scripting ability like its competitor, Linux. To change this, Snover released the Monad Manifesto, a document outlining his plans for what would eventually be PowerShell.

From 2002-2005, PowerShell was called Monad and was still under early development. In 2006, the word ‘PowerShell’ made its debut with the release of PowerShell 1.0. From that point on, the PowerShell team at Microsoft has used the manifesto as a guide to add new features to PowerShell continually.

Originally only available as part of the Windows Management Framework, before Windows XP and Windows Server 2012, PowerShell was a separate install. But as of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 R2, PowerShell became installed by default on all Windows operating systems.

Please don’t wait that others should encourage you to learn this Skill.

Try to identify the need and demand of Today’s time, and Grab this opportunity to Learn this new Skill to match pace with Trending Time and Technologies.

I am sure, As soon as you complete this course, You will be very efficient in automation using PowerShell Scripting.



PowerShell is a phenomenal tool to help IT pros, sysadmins, developers, or anyone else managing computer systems. It’s a tool that should be in everyone’s toolbelt through its foundational commands coupled with community modules and the ability to create your own scripts.

To learn more, check out all of the others’ posts on PowerShell here and get started automating!

Windows PowerShell || Begginer to Intermediate

Windows PowerShell || Begginer to Intermediate”

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