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Find growth KPIs for your startup or innovation and grow your startup’s innovation using the Lean Startup methodology

1) Learn to start an innovative startup.

2) Learn to identify the right factors that will catalyze growth.

3) Use Google Analytics to monitor the correct metrics and KPI.

4) Use that data and insight to focus on and fix the right things.

5) Grow and succeed with your innovation or startup.


Startup and innovative businesses must focus on growth. Most entrepreneurs focus on money too quickly. But startups must focus on growth, which is why identifying the most important growth and engagement metrics is the most important part of starting an innovative new company. 

When you are working on a true innovation, many aspects of your product business are unknown. That’s why it’s an innovation. If it was a common business that has been done many times before, your KPIs would be known. But since your startup is building something new, you have to identify the right things to focus on in order to grow the most vital parts of your startup.


Any technology from something simple like a hammer to something complicated like spaceships or computers undergo a series of improvements over time until they get to a desired level of use and quality. No innovation is ideal on its first version so the goal of startup entrepreneurs is to create enough iterations of improvement quickly in order to perfect their product.

The strategy of this course is to show you how to choose the right things to improve so every one of your improvement iterations makes an impact and helps you grow your startup. The way to choose which features of your startup or innovation to improve is to look at use data, analytics, and identify the right KPIs in order to improve the aspects of your startup that are most vital.

The flip side of this is that if you choose the wrong features to improve, it won’t make an impact and your innovation or startup won’t grow. This course will help you succeed by using time-proven, best strategies to help you grow your startup and improve your product or innovation.


Everything in the course is up-to-date for this year.


All the tools in the course like Google Analytics are free and standard tools used by startups. You won’t have to pay for any additional tools or software after you enroll.


If you have questions about any part of your startup, I am here to help! I answer 99% of student questions within 24 hours. Many students tell me that other instructors don’t respond. Well, I do because:

1) I care about my students.


2) I feel a responsibility to make sure that students get their money’s worth from the course.


* Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and helpful to your startup

* Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course

* My list of 50 business-success skills when you complete the course

Invest in yourself and your innovation! Enroll today!

Innovation & Startups: AB Testing Of KPI With Lean Startup

Find growth KPIs for your startup or innovation and grow your startup’s innovation using the Lean Startup methodology”

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