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Attend this 310-012 ACI Dealing Certificate Practice Exam Paper will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam

Sample Questions:

Q) Todays spot value date is the 30th of June. What is the maturity date of a 2-month EUR deposit deal today? Assume no bank holidays.

A. 27th August

B. 30th August

C. 31st August

D. 1 September

Q) A 30-day 4% CD with a face value of GBP 20,000,000.00 is trading in the secondary market with 20 days remaining to maturity at 4.05%. What would be your holding period yield if you bought the CD now and held it to maturity?

A. 4.05%

B. 4.0%

C. 3.891%

D. 3.838%

Q) You quote a customer a spot cable 1.6050-55 in USD 3,000,000.00. If they sell USD to you, how much GBP will you be short of?

A. 4,816,500.00

B. 1,869,158.88

C. 1,868,57677

D. 4,815,000.00

Q) Regarding access to production systems, which of the following is incorrect?

A. Profiles for functions are encouraged and should b

B. Developers should have unrestricted access to prod

C. Access to production systems should be rigorously

D. Users should not have access to change system func

Q) An option is:

A. The right to buy or sell a commodity at a fixed prB.


B. The right to buy a commodity at a fixed price

C. The right but not the obligation to buy or sell a

D. The right but not the obligation to buy a commodit

Q) Which of the following CHF/JPY quotes that you have received is the best rate for you to buy CHF?

A. 105.80

B. 105.75

C. 105.70

D. 105.85

Q) Which of the following is true about interest rate swaps (IRS):

A. Both parties know what their future payments will

B. There is payment of principal at maturity

C. Payments are always made gross

D. The fixed rate payer knows what his future payment

310-012 ACI Dealing Certificate Practice Exam Paper

Attend this 310-012 ACI Dealing Certificate Practice Exam Paper will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam”

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