Cupón Udemy: Capacitación para principiantes de IBM Watson para IA con 100% de descuento por tiempo LIMITADO

A beginners guide into the AI technology of IBM Watson

When we include the unprecedented computing power offered by the cloud, it’s clear we are living in an exciting era for building applications. When IBM Watson defeated the two Jeopardy champions back in 2011, it opened a new era in the practical application of Artificial Intelligence technology and contributed to the growing research and interest in this field. IBM Watson has evolved from being a game show winning question & answering computer system to a set of enterprise-grade artificial intelligence (AI) application program interfaces (API) available on IBM Cloud. These Watson APIs can ingest, understand & analyze all forms of data, allow for natural forms of interactions with people, learn, reason – all at a scale that allows for business processes and applications to be reimagined. This course is intended for business and technical users who want to learn more about the cognitive capabilities of IBM Watson Discovery service. This is a high-level view of the tooling and technology that make up IBM Watson Discovery. After taking this course you will gain a better understanding of the types of enrichments that can be applied to your dataset and how to use the IBM Watson Discovery user interface to explore your data. This practical course on IBM Watson is designed to teach you how to build intelligent AI, ML, and Cognitive Computing based applications and systems. Beginning with an introduction to IBM Watson and exploring its components/features, you will learn how it can solve common pitfalls and be beneficial for your businesses. You will then learn the core Cognitive Computing techniques, concepts, and practices that Watson adopts and makes accessible to all. You will also get a detailed understanding of the Watson APIs such as training them and eventually building applications using them.


IBM Watson Beginners Training for AI

A beginners guide into the AI technology of IBM Watson»

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