Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals | By an instructor who CLEARED the exam | JUNE 2022
After your learn your concepts of PL-900, the best way to pass the exam for sure and get certified is to gain confidence through practice tests! Practice till you close to 95 percent on each practice test and you will pass for sure!!
Candidates for this exam aspire to improve productivity by understanding the capabilities of the Microsoft Power Platform, automating basic business processes with Power Automate, performing basic data analysis with Power BI, acting more effectively by creating simple Power Apps experiences, and creating powerful chatbots by using Power Virtual Agents.
Whether you’re a beginning technical professional, student, or business user, this certification will prove your knowledge in the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Microsoft Dataverse, build a Power BI Dashboard, automate a process with Power Automate, or build a chatbot with Power Virtual Agents.
The Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Fundamentals certification could be a great fit for you, if you’d like to:
Demonstrate knowledge in building solutions with Microsoft Power Platform.
Show familiarity in automating basic business processes with Power Automate and in creating simple Power Apps experiences.
Highlight familiarity in performing data analysis with Power BI and in building practical chatbots with Power Virtual Agents.
It is recommended to have familiarity with computer technology, data analytics, cloud computing, and the internet. This fundamentals certification can serve as a steppingstone for anyone interested in advancing to other certifications.
PL-900 Exam will measure your skills based on the following six areas
Describe the business value of Power Platform (20-25%)
Identify the core components of Power Platform (10-15%)
Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI (20-25%)
Describe the capabilities of Power Apps (25-30%)
Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Automate (10-15%)
Demonstrate the business value of Power Virtual Agents (5-10%)
Each Practice set contains
45-50 questions from six categories, one-hour duration
a balanced number of random questions to cover each category
Questions are as per actual exam format including single select, multi-select,yes/no & correct statement.
A detailed explanation of each correct and incorrect answer
Reference diagrams to explain the topic
Reference links for further studies
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What you’ll learn
Prepare for the PL-900 Exam certification
Test your knowledge about Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Get 100% ready to pass the PL-900 certification
Gain confidence before passing the exam
PL-900 Practice Tests- Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals | By an instructor who CLEARED the exam | JUNE 2022″
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