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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Learn Designing skills on Adobe Creative Cloud- Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Dimension

In this course, you will learn about various creative designing skills on Adobe Creative Cloud or Adobe CC. These tools could be used as standalone or in combination for creating creative Design and Animation. Some of these Adobe cc tools are well known and considered as the industry standard such as Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects. There are limitless possibilities on what you can create using these tools, there is no limit to creativity and imagination. But you have to learn a few tools and techniques in order to bring light to your ideas, whether you realize it by drawing on digital canvas using Illustrator and Photoshop or by bringing your ideas to life by creating motion graphics animation using After Effects, or by creating 3D mockups and Product design using Adobe Dimension.

Before starting, if you are new to some of these Adobe tools, first learn a little bit about them.

  • Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing and image compositing tool used to do almost anything and everything with photos from retouching and restoration to spot healing and designing. Photoshop is a professional tool, equally useful for hobbyist and professionals alike. Photographers, Graphics Designer, Poster designers and studios everyone could leverage from Photoshop.

  • Adobe Illustrator is a Graphics designing tool that is used for creating vector graphics that is completely different from the world of pixels or raster graphics. Logos, cartoons, 2d and 3d components and multitude of stuff is being designed using Illustrator. Although its fundamentally different from Photoshop but is widely used in combination with Photoshop.

  • Adobe After Effects allows you to create amazing Motion graphics and visual effects for creating animations, video components and templates and much more. If you are new to the world of 3D or animation, it could be very intuitive. Moreover if you are professional, you could still find multitude of effects and techniques such as Expressions really powerful.

  • Adobe Dimension is a 3D modelling and Product designing tool that can help you easily and quickly design 3D components and product mockups. And you will find Dimension really useful when you are new to this domain.

So, in this course you will learn about some of the tools and techniques using these Adobe CC software. Here you will learn about-

  • Shape builder, Image tracing, Photo Mask, Drop Shadow and Gradient Map in Adobe Illustrator

  • Spot healing, Patch tool, Magic wand, clone stamp, Selective color effect, Quick selection tool in Adobe Photoshop

  • Color corrections, Masking, Creating a map animation, video opener loop and pie chart with Adobe After Effects

  • Creating and Rendering 3D model, Adding graphics, text and background in Adobe Dimension

Paquete Adobe CC: Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects

Learn Designing skills on Adobe Creative Cloud- Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Dimension»

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