
Learn everything about Linux Command Line, Linux Administration & Unix Operating System from Scratch

Learn about EVERYTHING about Linux and Unix using this Comprehensive Course

You do not need any prior expertise in order to profit from this program. You will be taken step by step through the process, which will be rational and methodical. As new concepts, directives, or jargon are met, they are presented in plain English so that everyone may comprehend what is being spoken to them. This is what you will learn if you participate in this course:

  • If you don’t already have access to a Linux server, here’s how to obtain it.

  • What a Linux distribution is and how to find the best one for you.

  • What software is required to connect to Linux from machines running Mac OS X or Windows.

  • What SSH is and how to utilize it are explained.

  • The file system layout of Linux systems, as well as where to obtain applications, settings, and documentation are all covered.

  • These are the fundamental Linux commands that you’ll use the most.

  • Creating, renaming, relocating, and deleting folders are all possible actions.

  • Creating, reading, editing, copying, and deleting files are all possible actions.

  • Learn exactly how permissions operate, as well as how to read even the most obscure Linux permissions with relative simplicity, in this course.

  • Learn how to use the nano, vi, and emacs text editors in this tutorial.

  • There are two approaches to searching for files and folders.

  • How to compare the contents of two or more files in a single operation.

  • What pipes are, why they are useful, and how to put them to use are all covered.

  • How to compress files in order to conserve space and make data transfer more convenient.

  • How to redirect input and output from apps, as well as reasons to do so.

  • How to make your shell prompt more personalized.

Learn how to be more productive at the command line by utilizing aliases, tab completion, and your shell history to your advantage.

Credit: Bash Command Course developed by: Lane Schwartz License:

License: Creative Commons Attribution

This course is created by merging all the lessons related to Bash command line

How to schedule and automate operations with the crontab command.

Find out how to change users and execute processes as someone else.

Learn where to look for and how to install software.

The unconditional Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee is my personal commitment to you that you will be successful.

What you learn in Learn Linux in 5 Days may be applied to any Linux environment, including Ubuntu, Debian, Kali Linux, Linux Mint, RedHat, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slackware, and others. Learn Linux in 5 Days is a self-paced, online course that takes 5 days to complete.


Enroll today and begin acquiring the skills you’ll need to advance your professional career!

Línea de comandos completa de Linux, administración de Linux y sistema operativo Unix

Learn everything about Linux Command Line, Linux Administration & Unix Operating System from Scratch”

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