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Learn the different distribution planning techniques such as DRP and replenishment policies in detail.

Hello Everyone 馃檪

The course has two quizzes, practical exam and a lot of excel practice on real supply chain distribution cases.

With the ever increasing reliance of supply chain management to deliver. supply chain jobs become one of the highest in demand jobs of the twenty first century, it is one of the jobs that will not be affected by automation because of its nature as a critical thinking and resilient profession. And with the procurement function In supply chain being the heart and soul of feeding the supply chain with product/material, distribution  is  equally as  important because it streamlines the flow of products to the end customer.

We have already introduced Procurement & Supply planing tools and techniques which its featured in supply chain courses, now based on your requests, we explain in detail analytically and practically the distribution side of the supply chain.

There are many distribution strategies in supply chain  such as direct shipping, retail storage or last mile delivery. every distribution strategy has its own merits and disadvantages in many aspects such as Transportation cost , Inventory cost and response time to the customer.

in this course we investigate all of these strategies in detail , not only that, we expand on the relation of inventory service level and fill rate with the distribution strategies.  the course first starts with the theory and the relation of a company’s strategy with supply chain strategy. then it progressively goes to practically and analytically planning for distribution taking inventory ,transportation and service level into consideration.

in this course we will be able to :

  • Define supply chain strategies.

  • Understand how supply chain design is defined by Strategy.

  • Know how to calculate inventory , asset metrics and cash to cash cycle time.

  • Know the difference between efficient Vs Effective supply chains.

  • Distinguish the different distribution strategies and their impact on service and cost.

  • Practice on Distribution and Transportation calculations

  • know how to calculate fill rate , inventory throughput and cycle service level.

  • Practice on Calculating safety stock for different inventory setup.

  • Plan & Design a Distribution system for supply chain in Excel.

Happy Supply chain mining.


Rescale analytics


Supply Chain Strategy, Inventory & Distribution Planning.

Learn the different distribution planning techniques such as DRP and replenishment policies in detail.”

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