
20 topics to learn to become a complete software professional. Software as a business is lot more than coding.

Software practitioners often get focused on niche topics and limit their growth. In addition, the interview process slows down the learning process even further.

Software = People + programs

Treating people like “resources” with predictable behavior is disrespectful. The tendency to automate human interactions in professional environments leads to an unfulfilling career. Often the blame is targeted toward technology, but the real culprit is ignorance.

There are more non-computer science-trained programmers in the industry than CS degree holders. The gap leads to unfair competition and often a conflict-prone career growth trajectory. In addition, software engineering brings the human element of the profession to the center stage. With all these variables in play simultaneously, getting overwhelmed is only human.

But that sounds like an excuse. Is it?

No. Unfortunately, the hyper-growth of online learning tools has created a false bubble around trends. If getting certified gets easier, getting a job with it becomes that much more difficult. The only solution is knowledge—diverse and relevant awareness.

Dealing with teams needs a broader perspective and understanding of fundamentals. Knowing computer science fundamentals takes time. Job changes disrupt the learning processes.

This course provides a lifelong learning roadmap and references you can keep following up on to build a solid foundation for your career. Long-lasting careers don’t depend on a framework or a language; fundamentals forge them.

Following topics are provided as articles in the text to help faster completion. The videos are suggestions, observations, and opinions about the industry based on 16+ years of first-hand experience.

Course Topics

  • Engineering

    • Algorithms and Data Structures

    • Compiler Design

    • Computer Architecture

    • Programming Language Language

    • Databases

    • Distributed Systems

    • File Systems

    • Mathematics

    • Networking

    • Operating Systems

    • General Programming and Design patterns

    • Software Engineering

    • Security

  • Non-Engineering

    • Advertising and Marketing

    • Business Management

    • Economics

    • Finance and Behavioural Economics

    • People management, including introspection

    • Psychology

    • Evolution, History, and Philosophy

Fundamentos para la carrera de programador

20 topics to learn to become a complete software professional. Software as a business is lot more than coding.”


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