Basic review of Input/Output/Processes
This course is an introduction to python at a basic level. This is geared toward the users who are overwhelmed with other python courses trying to cover too much material without first having a solid grasp of core concepts. This course covers basic input, output, and processes. Give you lots of examples and pushes you to complete the project to fully grasp the topics.
Examples for input include how to capture input from users, how to define data types of user input, and how to assign variables. For the output portion, we will be covering basic output such as print commands, but also the formatting print commands to make the output more meaningful. We will cover the basic processes using common math functions. We will put all of it together with several projects to ensure understanding. We also cover two additional areas conditional statements such as if-statements and error handling through try-except blocks. I keep things really simple so that learners who may feel overwhelmed can take this course and get the basics done without being overwhelmed.
The big takeaway from this course is taking a learner who has very no experience and taking them from knowing nothing and taking them to understand basics inputs, processes, and outputs. Each learner will have several projects that re-enforce your understanding of core concepts.
Keep in mind this is a free course, and I am limited by Udemy guidelines.
Entendiendo Python (Entrada-Proceso-Salida)
Basic review of Input/Output/Processes»
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