• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cursos / Udemy Gratis
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Fast track to using Microsoft PowerPoint


Introduction of the instructor and Microsoft PowerPoint the instructor

About Microsoft PowerPoint

A brief history of Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint Environment

The key to an effective product is the knowledge of your workspace. Students are introduced to the PowerPoint workspace which will help them to identify the working tools and where to locate them.

Manage Slide

The document area of PowerPoint is the slide which indirectly means that if there is no slide there is no PowerPoint. In this section, students learn to create and manage slides.

Key in information to the slide

The Slide accepts virtually all the media. Users need certain levels of skill to manage the media they placed on a slide the section builds such skills in students.

Design slide

Information has to somehow appeal in order to attract the attention of the consumer this section exposes students to the available tools they can use to style and design the slide.


Transition is about how a slide enters the stage. There a lot of visual effects and jingles that herald the arrival of a slide on the stage all these are discussed in this stage


Animation is about injecting life into inanimate objects. This section introduces students to how to make objects move in the way they designed them to move or dance.

Multimedia manipulations


Students will learn how to capture, edit, and manage audio-visual information.

Aprende Microsoft PowerPoint 365 por la noche

Fast track to using Microsoft PowerPoint»

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Contenido Gratuito

Los cursos gratis de Udemy te permiten aprender nuevas cosas sin tener que pagar. Aprovecha la oportunidad.


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Te recomendamos primero leer las diferencias entre un curso gratis y uno de pago para evitar malentendidos:

Cursos gratuitos
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

Aunque los cursos son colocados de manera gratuita, es posible que el autor del curso pueda cambiarlos a modalidad de pago, por lo cual te recomendamos revisar muy bien las características del curso.

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