
Discover A Complete Training Guide for Building Functional Strength

Dear Friend,

Have you ever tried a popular fitness plan or diet to lose weight or get into better shape? How did it go? Did you achieve your goals? Unfortunately, most people fail when it comes health and fitness fads that promise easy weight loss, fast muscle-building, and looking better in your clothes.

The Truth About Fad Diets…

The reason that most diets and fitness fads fail to “work” is because they focus on training for the wrong goal… They’re all about looking good… not getting healthy and stronger. Although looking better in the mirror can be a nice side-effect of training, it should never be your primary focus. That’s what Functional Strength is all about. It’s about building strength that you can use. With functional strength training, you’re not trying to look strong or look healthy… You are striving to BECOME truly strong and truly healthy… …and sure, you may look a little better in the mirror, but that is NOT the main focus. A good example of this is the type of training that an Olympic cyclist would go through compared to your average “gym rat.” The bros at the gym spend most of their time isolating muscles and doing certain exercise to look better in the mirror… While, an Olympic cyclist only focuses on building strength that she needs to perform better while riding her bike. Of course, this makes her healthier, and she likely looks better in the mirror, but the focus is building REAL strength and REAL health. Make sense?

And, Here’s The REALLY Good News…

Most people think a fitness plan involves eating small amounts of tasteless foods, going to the gym every single day, and investing in expensive exercise equipment and accessories… …this is pretty much the “norm” for fad diets and people that are trying to appeal to the “mirror on the wall.” But you don’t have to do any of that with functional strength training… I got tired of people thinking they needed to eat next to nothing and spend a fortune on exercise equipment, so I put together the ultimate guide on getting healthy and strong… the right way! When I started to put these steps into practice the results blew me away. I’m not kidding! It was all to do with following a well laid out plan that anyone can follow – and I mean anyone. My list grew by leaps and bounds and I began to see the truth of the saying “the money is in the list”! Are you in the middle of the nightmare of spending all your free time slaving away on something only to discover that you have wasted your time?

Descubre una guía de entrenamiento completa para la fuerza funcional

Discover A Complete Training Guide for Building Functional Strength”

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