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Flutter 3.0&Firebase Build a Grocery App with a WEB Admin panel From scratch with payment gateway integration

Course prerequisites:

  • Basic knowledge in programming to get started

  • Basic knowledge of Flutter and a good knowledge is recommended

  • Concepts are explained clearly. You will always learn what you’re building and why, and then how to do it.

How this course can be of help:

  • Gaining more knowledge in Flutter and Firebase with Payment integration

  • Learn how to make a shopping application simply with a web admin panel

  • A fully functional app that is ready for use and deployment

What’s in the course:

  • Complex UI has done simply

  • Build a Complete mobile app With WEB admin portal

  • State management

  • Firebase

  • Clean code and avoid Boilerplate code

  • Styles for UI

  • State Management: setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider and ChangeNotifier

  • Navigation & Custom navigation

  • Dart

  • Forms, input handling, and validation

  • Managing and updating packages

  • Databases and Cloud Firestore

  • ListViews and multiple UI states

  • Firebase Authentication

  • Firebase Firestore

  • Firebase Storage

  • Dart Programming Language – Fundamentals and intermediate&expert topics

  • How to understand Flutter Mobile Development by building apps incrementally.

  • How to design, build, debug Flutter apps

  • How to get Flutter apps to communicate with a real-time database – Firestore

  • How to build robust apps with Flutter

  • Flutter AppBar

  • Flutter Material Design

  • Flutter Row and Column

  • Flutter ListView Builder

  • Payment gateway

Course structure:

approximately 17 hours of content and updated regally 


  • Windows application development OR Mac application development

  • Access to a computer with an internet connection.

  • and you are ready for the journey

  • Love learning about applying cutting-edge algorithms to practical cases!

What Should I Expect After this Course?:

  • The ability to build a fully functional shopping application with Firebase and payment integration

  • New information regarding Flutter

Note that the course builds on windows, so I didn’t have a chance to cover the IOS configurations! But feel free to ask anything about it. I will be there to help.


This course has 2 apps, One for the user “ANDROID app in Portrait mode”, and one for the admin “WEB”.

Note that the ANDROID app is responsive only in portrait mode, it doesn’t support landscape mode.


The search logic is done locally, and it is only available in the android application since it is the same logic if you want to implemented in the WEB Admin Panel.

The app is available on Playstore, please consider testing it before buying the course.

Flutter 3.0&Firebase Build a Grocery App&WEB Admin Panel

Flutter 3.0&Firebase Build a Grocery App with a WEB Admin panel From scratch with payment gateway integration”

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