In this course you will learn how to design web app UI/UX using Figma.Prototyping with figma and animation. UI/UX Design
In this class, you will learn how to design 3 complete web apps UI/UX Using Figma. While you will design a web app UI/UX, you will end up learning how to use different sorts of tools and techniques in Figma. I will try to teach you the best practice of Figma that will help you to become a good UI/UX designer.
List of the projects that you will design in this course:
Fashion Web App UI/UX using Figma
Audio Player Web App UI/UX using Figma
Real State Property Selling Web App UI/UX using Figma
Messenger Web App UI/UX.
Figma Budget Management Mobile APP UI/UX
Portfolio Web App UI/UX Using Adobe XD(Bonus)
Here are some lists that you are going to learn in this class:
Uses of different tools in Figma
Figma Grid and Layout System
How to create a component and re-use them.
Learn to use a different plugin. For instance – The plugin for Icons
Figma Design technique
How to do prototyping
Learn to use different sorts of animation with prototype
How to use the image in Figma.
How to make a group in Figma and use it.
Figma Color System
Figma horizontal scroll view
Figma vertical scroll view
Learn how to show modal box,
Different uses of Figma frame
Animation with prototype
How to create Figma 3d Design effect
Figma Mega Course – Design 6 Complete Web App UI/UX Project
In this course you will learn how to design web app UI/UX using Figma.Prototyping with figma and animation. UI/UX Design»
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