
Covering all JavaScript basic topics in 90 minutes

Have you tried to learn JavaScript before?

JavaScript is the most popular programming language today, You end up wasting time on out-of-date courses and incomplete YouTube tutorials that talk about JavaScript features without showing how to use them when building real-world applications.

This is a truly complete JavaScript course, that goes beyond what other JavaScript courses out there teach you.

I will take you from a complete JavaScript Zero to Hero developer. You will not just learn the JavaScript language itself, you will also learn how to program. How to solve problems. How to structure and organize code using common JavaScript patterns.

Here is exactly what we cover in this course:

  • JavaScript and programming fundamentals

    • Variables, Data types, boolean logic,

    • if/else statements

    • Loops, Functions,

    • Objects, arrays, and more.

  • How JavaScript works

    • execution contexts

    • Hoisting

    • Scoping,

    • this keyword, and more.

  • How to make JavaScript code interact with webpages

    • DOM manipulation.

    • How to select and change webpage elements,

    • Create new elements

    • Handle DOM events.

  • Complex JavaScript features

    • Function constructors,

    • prototypal inheritance,

    • First-class functions, c

    • Closures,

    • Bind and apply methods

  • Discussing problems that ECMAScript 6 changes were made to solve,

    • let and const

    • Strings and Regular Expressions

    • Functions in ECMAScript 6

    • Expanded Object Functionality

    • De-structuring for Easier Data Access

    • Symbols and Symbol Properties

    • Sets and Maps

    • Iterators and Generators

    • Introducing JavaScript Classes

    • Improved Array Capabilities

    • Promises and Asynchronous Programming

    • Proxies and the Reflection API

Sounds great? Then start this adventure today by clicking the “Take this course” button, and join me in the only JavaScript course that you will need!

JavaScript para principiantes

Covering all JavaScript basic topics in 90 minutes”

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Cursos de pago
  • Contenido de vídeo en línea
  • Certificado de finalización
  • Preguntas y respuestas de los instructores
  • Mensaje directo para el instructor

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Facialix es un sitio web que tiene como objetivo apoyar en el aprendizaje y educación de jóvenes y grandes. Buscando y categorizando recursos educativos gratuitos de internet, de esta manera Facialix ayuda en el constante aprendizaje de todos.


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