
Data structure & algorithm deep dive

Hey guys this course if for those who just get in this Data structure and algorithm thing, this course is mostly theory and will cover only introduction concepts of DSA if you want to learn some advance concepts of DSA in future i am planning to cover some advanced concepts in detail

my course you will get each and everything in so much detail and easy manner I explained each concept using various practical examples I have divided this course in different sections:

Well courses that I have uploaded now is only first module:

First Section

Introduction to java

  • Introduction to programing Language

  • Origin of Java

  • Java relationship to C and C++

Second Section

Introduction to data structure and algorithm

  • Why we need Data structure?

  • What is Algorithm?

  • Definition of DSA

  • Classification of Data structure

  • Operation on data structure

  • Types of Algorithms

Third Section

Abstract data types

  • Types and Data types

  • Definition of ADT

Well, prerequisite for this course is just to have a basic knowledge of java concepts, however knowing how to code is not necessary

well, anyone who is interested in exploring some advance concepts of programing should learn data structure and algorithm as it introduces you the many new things that can make your code look cleaner and faster

By a clean code I don’t mean to write a code without error but a code that consumes lesser number of lines and by faster, I mean to write a code that runs very fast.

Estructura de datos y algoritmo en Java: desde cero hasta lo más profundo

Data structure & algorithm deep dive”


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