Boost your frontend knowledge by doing these little projects
Class Overview:
The course is project is pretty basic and anyone who has just started out and have some experience in html, css and javascript, can enjoy this course.
The projects are unique and very good for beginners and intermediate, you’ll learn a lot of techniques that advance developers uses.
What You Will Learn:
Project based teaching to sharpen your HTML, CSS & JavaScript skills.
Modern styling with flexbox, CSS animations, custom properties.
Perfect for beginners looking for things to build unique projects in a short timeframe.
Why You Should Take This Class:
The class is very interactive and has been in development for quite sometime, I have gathered all the information and created the roadmap to make you easily understand the topics through these projects.
Creating these projects will give you a boost and will motivate you create unique projects.
Who can participate:
The pre-requisites are simple, you should know the very basic of html, css and javascript and that’s all you need.
I have provided the source code of each of these projects and also I have included the pdf file of the properties that were used in the project to understand it better.
Animated Profile Card:- In this section we will create a animated profile card with nice hover effect and you’ll learn about different properties which were used to achieve this design.
Expanding Card:-
Loading Animation
FAQ Page Design
Hidden Search Bar

Cree proyectos del mundo real usando CSS, HTML y Javascript
Boost your frontend knowledge by doing these little projects»
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