
Get the know the basics of room hosting on the Airbnb platform.

Do you have spare or underused space in your house?  Are you looking to make a side income?  If yes, then becoming an Airbnb Room Host may be right for you.

In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of being an Airbnb Room Host in a structured way that helps you decide if becoming an Airbnb Room Host is right for you.  The purpose of this course is to help you determine whether you should invest time, energy, and money in becoming an Airbnb Room Host.  For those who have already decided room hosting is for them, you can skip directly to a course on how to be a successful Airbnb Room Host.

The course starts by providing you with a background on what room hosting is, including who hosts are, who guests are, and the role Airbnb plays in bringing them together.  From there the course goes into detail on the three key steps required to become a host and the key activities required in each step.  These key steps include identifying space, preparing the space, and listing your space on Airbnb.  By detailing what is required in each of these key phrases you are able to assess your property fit with room hosting and whether you fit with being able to serve as a host and complete the required steps of the three key phases to becoming a room host. 

After completing the review of what it takes to become a room host the course walks you through the key activities that are required to host a guest in order to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the hosting process.

This course does not show you how to become a host or complete each of the hosting steps since the purpose of this course is to help you determine if hosting is right for you.  Check out my other courses to learn how to become a successful Airbnb Room Host.

Introducción al hospedaje de habitaciones de Airbnb

Get the know the basics of room hosting on the Airbnb platform.”

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