
Don’t have time and want to learn the basics of Terraform quickly? Get started with this beginner’s course on Terraform


Learn the basic concepts of Terraform in this step-by-step terraform course for beginners with hands-on labs. By no means will you master Terraform by the end of this course, but you will have a solid foundation to build upon. There are many Terraform courses out there and I even offer one myself, but I wanted to create one that is concise enough to take in one sitting and get the gist of Terraform. Learning terraform is not difficult, you just need to understand the basics and practice a lot.


The following is required to follow along:

  • Terraform and Docker or use GitHub’s Codespaces or Gitpod as your development environment. The code repo is equipped with it.

  • An AWS account or if you’re subscribed to the TeKanAid Academy Subscription you get your own AWS account on demand.


Terraform is a popular tool used for infrastructure provisioning and management. Using a simple, human-readable language, it allows users to define and manage resources across multiple cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure. In this Terraform course, we will introduce the topic of Terraform and its use in infrastructure management, and guide beginners on how to get started.

Terraform has become a crucial tool in modern DevOps practices. It allows for infrastructure as code, which means that infrastructure can be managed in the same way as software, with version control, testing, and collaboration. This increases efficiency, reduces errors, and enables more frequent and reliable deployments. Additionally, Terraform makes it easy to automate the provisioning and management of resources across multiple providers, making it a powerful tool for multi-cloud and hybrid environments.

This Terraform tutorial is intended for beginners who are new to Terraform. We will cover the basics of Terraform, including its configuration, and usage with a local deployment in Docker and a cloud deployment in AWS. We will also discuss variables and how to use Terraform modules. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of Terraform and be able to start experimenting with it in your own infrastructure projects.

Terraform para principiantes en 1 hora

Don’t have time and want to learn the basics of Terraform quickly? Get started with this beginner’s course on Terraform”

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