
Everything you need to know about cPanel management and Administration to efficiently manage web hosting servers.

Are you a fresher who is interested in WordPress web development? or Are you getting started with wordpress web development? or Are you an existing WordPress web developer with minimal experience? Then I would like to suggest you get a thorough knowledge of how a Cpanel account must be managed. wondering why? Because in the world of wordpress web development, Though one can build their websites locally on their PC, they need to host it on hosting servers for general people to access it. Therefore this signifies the importance of learning to manage your web hosting server using a human-friendly web-based interface. And this course teaches you all the important concepts of cPanel Administration not just theoretically but implementing practically leaving the least chances of getting stuck administering the cPanel account when you implement it on your own. what are you waiting for? Get started now!

The crucial aspect of managing the WordPress Web Development project like a pro is being able to Manage your or your client’s Cpanel Account. Under which you will be able to:

  • Manage Files in File manager

  • Create and Manage Email Accounts

  • Create and Manage FTP Accounts

  • Set-up Subdomains

  • Setup 301 & 302 redirections

  • Create Database users and assign roles

  • Increase Max Upload limit

Curso intensivo de administración de cPanel para principiantes 2023

Everything you need to know about cPanel management and Administration to efficiently manage web hosting servers.”

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