
Esta es una lista que es casi como una lección de historia, algunos de los lenguajes a continuación tienen más de medio siglo de antigüedad.

De ninguna manera es exhaustivo, pero hay tantos de ellos. Por lo tanto, una gran parte de estos lenguajes ya no están activos ni son compatibles.

Se han agregado enlaces al sitio oficial cuando fue posible, de lo contrario, vinculados a una fuente o manual informado. Si hay un enlace mejor para cualquiera de ellos, háganoslo saber.

  1. 51-FORTH
  2. 1C:Enterprise Script
  3. 4DOS
  4. A+
  5. A++
  6. A♯ (Axiom)
  7. A-0 System No live site
  8. ABCL/c+ No live site
  9. ABAP
  10. ABC
  11. ABC ALGOL No live site
  12. ABSET
  13. Absys No live site
  14. ACC No live site
  15. Accent No live site
  16. Accent R
  17. ACL2
  18. ActionScript
  19. ActiveVFP
  20. Actor No live site
  21. Ada
  22. Adenine
  23. ADMB
  24. Adobe ColdFusion
  25. Adobe Graphics Assembly Language
  26. Advanced Boolean Expression Language
  27. Agda
  28. AgentCubes
  29. AgentSheets
  30. Agora
  31. AIMMS
  32. Aldor
  33. Alef
  34. ALF
  35. ALGOL
  36. ALGOL 58
  37. ALGOL 60
  38. ALGOL 68
  39. AlgolW
  40. Alice
  41. Allegro Common Lisp
  42. Alma-0
  43. ALPACA
  44. ALPHA
  45. Alphard
  46. Altera Hardware Description Language
  47. AmbientTalk
  48. AMBIT No live site
  49. Amiga E
  50. AMOS,16
  51. AMPL
  52. AMSRefs
  53. ANA
  54. Analytica
  55. AngelScript
  56. Ant
  57. ANTLR
  58. Apex
  59. APL
  60. APLX
  61. App Inventor
  62. Apple Befunge
  63. AppleScript
  64. AppWare
  65. APT
  66. ARB Assembly Language
  67. Arboretuum
  68. Arc
  69. ARexx
  70. Argus
  71. ARM
  72. ASCEND
  73. Ateji PX
  74. Atom
  75. ATS
  76. AutoHotkey
  77. AutoIt
  78. AutoLISP
  79. Averest
  80. AWK
  81. Axum
  83. B-Prolog
  84. Babbage
  85. Babelsberg
  86. Ballerina
  87. Bash
  88. Bashforth
  89. BASIC BASIC_Oct64
  90. Basic-256
  91. BBN LISP
  92. Bc
  93. BCPL
  94. BeanShell
  95. Bear Food No live site
  96. Beatnik
  97. Befunge
  98. Befunge-93
  99. Befunge-97 No live site
  100. Befunge-98 No live site
  101. Bertrand
  102. BETA
  103. Beta-Juliet
  104. Bidule
  105. Bird–Meertens Formalism
  106. BLISS
  107. Blockly
  108. Bluespec
  109. BlooP
  110. BMDFM
  111. BNR Prolog
  112. Boo
  113. Boomerang
  114. BPML
  115. Brainfuck
  116. Bubble
  117. BulletML No live site
  118. Burro
  120. C Shell
  121. C++
  122. C- ––
  123. C#
  124. Cω
  125. C*
  126. C/AL (C/SIDE)
  127. Cabra
  128. Caché
  129. Caml
  130. Cayenne
  131. CDuce
  132. Cecil
  133. Cerner CCL
  134. Cesil
  135. Céu
  136. Ceylon
  137. CFEngine
  138. Cg
  139. CGOL
  140. Ch
  141. Chapel
  142. Charity
  143. Charm
  144. Chef
  145. CHILL
  146. CHIP
  147. CHIP V5
  148. CHIP-8
  149. Chomski No live site
  150. ChucK
  151. Ciao
  152. Cilk
  153. CiMPLE No live site
  154. Citrine
  155. CL
  156. CLACL No live site
  157. Claire
  158. Clarion
  159. Clean
  160. CLEO
  161. CLIPPER
  162. CLIPS
  163. CLIST
  164. Clojure
  165. CLP(R)
  166. CLU
  167. CMS Pipelines
  168. CMS-2
  169. Co-array Fortran
  170. COBOL
  171. CobolScript
  172. Cobra
  173. Coco/R
  174. CoffeeScript
  175. ColorForth
  176. COMAL
  177. Combined Programming Language
  178. COMIT
  179. Common Intermediate Language
  180. Common Lisp
  181. Common Workflow Language
  182. Compass
  183. Component Pascal
  184. COMTRAN
  185. Concurrent Haskell
  186. Concurrent ML
  187. Concurrent Pascal
  188. Constraint Handling Rules
  189. Cool
  190. Coq
  191. Coral 66
  192. Cornell University Programming Language
  193. CorVision
  194. COW
  195. COWSEL No live site
  196. Croc
  197. Cryptol
  198. Crystal
  199. Csound
  200. CSP
  201. Cuneiform
  202. Curl
  203. Curry
  204. CWIC
  205. CyberQuery
  206. Cybil
  207. CycL
  208. Cyclone
  209. Cython
  211. Dart
  212. Darwin
  213. DASL
  214. DATABUS
  215. DataFlex
  216. Datalog
  218. Datomic
  219. DAX
  220. dBase
  221. Dc
  222. Delphi
  223. Dependent ML
  224. DIBOL
  225. DinkC
  226. DIPs
  227. DITA
  228. DLV
  229. DLX
  230. DM
  231. Dog
  232. DOS Batch Language
  233. Draco
  234. DRAKON
  235. Dylan
  236. DYNAMO
  238. Ease no live site
  239. Easytrieve
  240. eC
  241. ECL
  242. ECMAScript
  243. Edinburgh IMP
  244. EEL
  245. EGL
  247. Eiffel
  248. ELAN
  249. ELI
  250. Elixir
  251. ELLA
  252. Elm
  253. Emacs Lisp
  254. Embedded SQL
  255. Emerald
  256. Emmental
  257. Epigram
  258. EPL
  259. Erlang
  260. Es
  261. Escher
  262. ESPOL
  263. Esterel
  264. Etoys
  265. Euclid
  266. Euler
  267. EuLisp
  268. Euphoria
  269. EusLisp Robot Programming Language
  270. EXEC
  271. EXEC 2 No live site
  272. Executable UML
  273. EXSLT
  274. Extended ML
  275. Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
  276. Ezhil
  278. F#
  279. F*
  280. F-Logic
  281. F-Script
  282. Fabrik
  283. Factor
  284. Fantom
  285. FAUST
  286. FFP
  287. Filetab
  288. Fjölnir
  289. FISH
  290. FL
  291. Flagship Compiler
  292. Flavors
  293. Flex
  294. FLooP
  295. Flora-2
  297. Flowgorithm
  298. FOCAL
  299. FOCUS
  300. FOIL No live site
  301. FORMAC
  302. Forte 4GL
  303. Forth
  304. Fourth-Generation Programming Language No live site
  305. Fortran
  306. Fortress
  307. FP
  309. Franz Lisp
  310. Free Pascal
  311. FreeMat
  312. Frenetic
  313. Fril
  314. Funge-98
  315. FuzzyCLIPS
  316. FXML
  317. FxPlug
  318. G-code
  319. Gambas
  320. Gambit Scheme
  321. Game Definition Language
  322. Game Description Language
  323. GameMaker
  324. GameMonkey Script
  325. GAMS
  326. GAP
  327. GAUSS
  328. GDL
  329. GDScript
  330. GeneXus
  331. Genie
  332. GEORGE
  333. Gforth
  334. GLSL
  335. GNU Bison
  336. GNU Flex
  337. GNU Octave
  338. GNU Prolog
  339. Go
  340. GOAL Agent Programming Language
  341. Gödel
  342. Godot Shading Language
  343. Gofer
  344. Golo
  345. Google Apps Script
  346. Gosu
  347. GOTRAN
  348. GPSS
  349. Grammatical Framework
  350. GraNoLa/M
  351. GRASS
  352. Grasshopper
  353. Gremlin
  354. Groovy
  355. GtkBuilder
  356. Guile
  357. Hack
  358. HAGGIS
  359. HAL/S
  360. Halide
  361. Hamilton C Shell
  362. Handel-C
  363. Harbour
  364. Hartmann Pipelines
  365. Haskell
  366. Haxe
  367. Hermes
  368. Hev
  369. HiAsm
  370. High Level Assembly
  371. HiLog
  372. HLSL
  373. HolyC
  374. Hop
  375. Hope
  376. Hopscotch
  377. Hot Soup Processor
  378. Hume
  379. Humus
  380. HUNTER
  381. Hy
  382. HyperNext
  383. HyperTalk
  384. IBM Basic Assembly Language
  385. IBM HAScript
  386. IBM Informix-4GL
  387. ICI
  388. Icon
  389. Id
  390. IDL
  391. Idris
  392. Illberon No live site
  393. ILLGOL
  394. Illgola-2 No live site
  395. Illumination Software Creator
  396. ILNumerics
  397. Impulse C No live site
  398. Inform 6
  399. Inform 7
  401. Interlisp
  402. Io
  403. Iota and Jot
  404. Iphigeneia
  405. IPL-v
  406. ISLISP
  407. ISWIM
  409. J#
  410. J++
  411. JADE
  412. JAL
  413. Janus
  414. JASS
  415. Java
  416. JavaCC
  417. JavaFX Script
  418. JavaScript
  419. JEAN No live site
  420. Jess
  421. JCL
  422. JHDL
  423. Join Java No live site
  424. JOSS
  425. Joule
  426. Jovial
  427. Joy
  428. JS++
  429. JScript
  430. JScript .NET
  431. JSFuck
  432. JSONiq
  433. Julia
  434. Jupiter Ace
  435. Jython
  437. Kaleidoscope
  438. Kangaroo
  439. Karel
  440. Kent Recursive Calculator
  441. KIF
  442. Kixtart
  443. KL0
  444. KL1
  445. Klerer-May System
  446. KnowledgeMan No live site
  447. Kodu
  448. Kojo
  449. Korn Shell (ksh)
  450. Kotlin
  451. KRL/KUKA
  452. KRYPTON No live site
  453. KTurtle
  454. Kv
  455. Kyma
  456. L33t
  457. LabVIEW
  458. Ladder Logic
  459. Larabee
  460. Lasso
  461. LaTeX
  462. Lava
  463. Lazy ML
  464. Legoscript
  465. Lexico No live site
  466. LFE
  467. LIL
  468. LilyPond
  469. Limbo
  470. Limnor
  471. LINC 4GL No live site
  472. Lingo
  473. Linotte
  474. LINQ
  475. LIS No live site
  476. LISA
  477. Lisp
  478. LISP 2
  479. Lisp Machine Lisp
  480. Lispkit Lisp |
  481. Lite-C
  482. Lithe
  483. Little
  484. Little b No live site
  485. Little Man Computer
  486. Little Smalltalk
  487. LiveCode
  488. LiveScript
  489. LLL
  490. Logo
  491. Logtalk
  492. Lola
  493. LOLCODE
  494. LOOM
  495. LotusScript
  496. Lout
  497. LPC
  498. LSE No live site
  499. LSL
  500. Lua
  501. Lucid
  502. Lush
  503. Lustre
  504. LYaPAS
  505. Lynx
  506. LZX
  507. M#
  508. M-Code
  509. M4
  510. M2001
  511. Macintosh Common Lisp
  512. Maclisp
  513. MacroML
  514. Maentwrog
  515. Magik
  516. Magma
  517. Malbolge
  518. Mama
  519. Máni
  520. Maple
  521. MAPPER
  522. MARK IV
  523. Mary No live site
  524. Mascarpone
  526. MathCAD
  527. Mathematica
  528. Matita
  529. MATLAB
  530. Maude System
  531. Max
  532. Maxima
  533. MAXScript
  534. MDL
  535. MDPN
  536. MediaWiki Markup Language
  537. MEL
  538. Mercury
  539. Mesa
  540. META II
  541. Metafont
  542. MetaPost
  543. Metal Shading Language
  544. MetaOCaml
  545. MexScript
  546. MHEG-5
  547. Microcode No live site
  548. MicroScript
  549. Microsoft Visual Programming Language
  550. MIIS No live site
  551. Milk No live site
  552. MIMIC
  553. MiniKanren
  554. MiniZinc
  555. MIPS
  556. Mirah
  557. Miranda
  558. mIRC Scripting Language
  559. MIVA Script
  560. ML
  561. ML/I
  562. MLisp
  563. MLton
  564. Modelica
  565. Modula
  566. Modula-2
  567. Modula-3
  568. Mohol No live site
  569. MOO
  570. Mortran
  571. MOS Technology
  572. Motorola 6800
  573. Motorola 68000
  574. Mouse
  575. MPD
  576. MSL
  577. MST Workshop
  578. MultiLisp
  579. MuPAD
  580. MUMPS
  581. Mutan
  582. MXML
  583. MyHDL
  584. N-DCNC
  585. Napier88
  586. NASM
  587. NATURAL No live site
  588. ND4J
  589. ND4S
  590. Neko
  591. Nemerle
  592. NEPO
  593. NESL
  594. Net.Data
  595. NetLogo
  596. NetRexx
  597. NewLISP
  598. NEWP
  599. Newspeak
  600. NewtonScript
  601. Next Byte Codes
  602. Nial
  603. Nice
  604. Nickle
  605. NIL No live site
  606. Nim
  607. Nitrous Shading Language
  608. Node-RED
  609. Nomad Software
  610. Not eXactly C
  611. Not Quite C
  612. NPL
  613. NSIS
  614. Nu
  615. NumPy
  616. NWScript
  617. NXT-G
  618. O-Matrix
  619. o:XML
  620. Oak
  621. Oberon
  622. OBJ
  623. OBJ2
  624. Object Lisp No live site
  625. Object Pascal
  626. Object REXX
  627. Objective-C
  628. Objective-J
  629. ObjectLOGO
  630. Objlog
  631. ObjVlisp No live site
  632. Obliq
  633. OCaml
  634. Occam
  635. Occam-π
  636. OISC
  637. OmniMark
  638. Onyx
  639. Opa
  640. Opal
  641. Open Shading Language
  642. Open Sores Illgol# No live site
  643. Open-URQ
  644. OpenCL
  645. OpenGL
  646. OpenEdge Advanced Business Language
  647. OpenLisp
  648. OpenMusic
  649. OpenROAD
  650. OpenVera
  651. OpenWDL
  652. OPL http://opl-dev.sourceforge
  653. OPS5
  654. OptimJ
  655. Opus-2
  656. Orc
  657. Oriel
  658. Orwell
  659. OWL
  660. Oxygene
  661. Oz
  663. P”
  664. P4
  665. PAL
  666. PALASM
  667. Pan
  668. ParaSail
  669. PARI/GP
  670. Parlog
  671. Pascal
  672. Pascal Script
  673. PC-LISP
  674. PCASTL
  675. PDL
  676. PEARL
  677. PeopleCode
  678. Perl
  679. Perl 6
  680. Pforth
  681. Pharo
  682. PHP
  683. Picat
  684. Pico
  685. PicoLisp
  686. Pict
  687. Piet
  688. Pig Latin
  689. Pike
  690. Pikt
  691. PILOT
  692. Pizza
  693. PL-6
  694. PL-11
  695. PL/0
  696. PL/8
  697. PL/B
  698. PL/C
  699. PL/I
  700. PL/M
  701. PL/P No live site
  702. PL/S
  703. PL/SQL
  704. PL360
  705. PLANC
  706. Plankalkül
  707. Planner
  708. PlayStation Shader Language
  709. PLEX
  710. PLEXIL
  711. Plus
  712. Polymorphic Programming Language
  713. POP-2
  714. POP-11
  715. Poplog
  716. Portable Standard Lisp
  717. PostScript
  718. PottersWheel
  719. POV-Ray Scene Description Language
  720. PowerHouse
  721. PQL
  722. Pro*C
  723. Processing
  724. Progress 4GL
  725. Progol
  726. Prograph
  727. Programming Computable Functions
  728. Programming with Big Data in R
  729. PROIV
  730. ΛProlog
  731. Prolog++
  732. Prolog32
  733. PROMAL
  734. Promela
  735. PROSE Modeling Language No live site
  736. PROTEL No live site
  737. Prova
  738. ProvideX
  739. Ptolemy Project
  740. PTQL No live site
  741. Pure
  742. Pure Data
  743. PureBasic
  744. PureScript
  745. PV-Wave
  746. PWCT
  747. Python
  748. .QL
  750. Q#
  751. QML
  752. Qalbقلب
  753. Qt Script
  754. QuakeC
  755. Quantum Programming Language
  756. Quartz Composer
  757. Quylthulg
  759. R++ No live site
  760. R:BASE
  761. Racket
  762. RAMIS No live site
  763. RAPID
  764. Rapira
  765. Raptor
  766. Ratfiv No live site
  767. Ratfor
  768. Rc
  769. RDQL
  770. Reaktor
  771. Reason
  772. Rebeca Modeling Language
  773. REBOL
  774. Red
  775. Redcode
  776. REFAL
  777. RenderMan Shading Language
  778. Renjin
  779. REXX
  780. Rlab
  781. RoboBlockly
  782. ROOP
  783. RPG
  784. RPL
  785. RTL/2
  786. Ruby
  787. Rulelog No live site
  788. RuneScript
  789. Rust
  791. S-Lang
  792. S-PLUS
  793. S/SL
  794. S2
  795. S3
  796. SA-C
  797. SabreTalk
  798. SAC
  799. SAIL
  800. Sally
  801. SAM76
  802. SAS
  803. SASL
  804. Sather
  805. Sawzall
  806. Sbeezg
  807. SBL
  808. Scala
  809. Scheme
  810. Scilab
  811. Scratch
  812. ScratchJr
  813. Script.NET No live site
  814. Secure Operations Language
  815. Sed
  816. Seed7
  817. Self
  818. SenseTalk
  819. SequenceL
  820. Sequential Function Chart
  821. Serpent
  822. SETL
  823. Sh
  824. Shakespeare Programming Language
  825. SheerPower4GL
  826. Shelta
  827. ShEx
  828. Shining Rock Shading Language
  829. SICStus Prolog
  830. SIGNAL
  831. SiMPLE
  832. SIMPOL
  834. Simula
  835. Simulink
  836. SISAL
  837. SKILL
  838. SLIP
  839. Small Basic
  840. Smalltalk
  841. SMITH
  842. SMX
  843. Snap!
  844. Snowball
  845. Solidity
  846. SOPHAEROS No live site
  847. SP-Forth
  848. SP/k
  849. SPARK
  850. SPARQL
  851. Speakeasy No live site
  852. Speedcode
  853. Spice Lisp
  854. SPIN
  855. SPITBOL
  856. SPS
  857. SQL
  858. SQL Syntax
  859. SQLf No live site
  860. SQR
  861. Squeak
  862. Squirrel
  863. Squishy2K
  864. SR
  865. Stagecast Creator
  866. Standard ML
  867. Standard ML of New Jersey
  868. Starlogo Nova
  869. Stata
  870. Stateflow
  871. STELLA
  872. Stencyl
  873. STOICAL
  874. Strand
  875. StreamSQL
  876. Strelnokoff
  877. Strongtalk
  878. Subtext
  879. SuperCollider
  880. SuperPro C
  881. SuperTalk
  882. SWI-Prolog
  883. Swift
  884. SYMPL
  885. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
  886. Sysquake
  887. SystemBuilder/SB+
  888. SystemC
  889. SystemVerilog
  891. T-SQL
  892. TACL
  893. TACPOL
  894. TADS
  895. TAL
  896. Tamerlane
  897. Tcl
  898. TCSH
  899. Tea No live site
  900. TECO
  901. TELCOMP
  902. Template Haskell
  903. TeX
  904. TGSI
  905. ThinBasic
  906. ThingLab
  907. Thue
  908. TI-BASIC
  909. TIE
  910. TOM
  911. ToonTalk
  912. ToonTalk Reborn for the Web
  913. TorqueScript
  914. TouchDesigner
  915. Toy
  916. TRAC
  917. Transaction Logic
  918. Treacle
  919. Trefunge-98 No live site
  920. TTCN
  921. TTM
  922. Turing
  923. TUTOR
  924. Twelf
  925. Txl
  926. Tynker
  927. TypeScript
  928. Ubercode
  929. Umple
  930. Unefunge-98 No live site
  931. Unicon
  932. Uniface
  933. Unified Parallel C
  934. Unix Shell
  935. Unlambda
  936. UnrealScript
  937. Ur
  938. Vala
  939. VBScript
  940. Vector Pascal
  941. VEE
  942. Verilog
  943. Verilog-A/MS
  944. Version
  945. VEX Shading Language 
  946. VHDL
  947. VHDL-AMS
  948. Vim Script
  949. VisSim
  950. Visual Basic
  951. Visual Basic for Applications
  952. Visual DataFlex No live site
  953. Visual DialogScript
  954. Visual Fortran
  955. Visual FoxPro h
  956. Visual J#
  957. Visual Logic
  958. Visual Objects
  959. Visual Prolog
  960. VSXu
  961. Vvvv
  962. Vyper
  964. WATFIV
  965. WATFOR No live site
  966. WebAssembly
  967. WebMethods Flow
  968. Whiley
  969. Whitespace
  970. Widget Workshop
  971. Wierd
  972. Winbatch
  973. Wolfram
  974. Windows PowerShell
  975. Wyvern
  976. X++
  977. X10
  978. x86
  979. xBase
  980. XBase++
  981. XBL
  982. XC
  983. XCSP3
  984. XHarbour
  985. XL
  986. XLispStat
  987. XOD
  988. Xojo
  989. XOTcl
  990. XProc
  991. XQuery
  992. XPath
  993. XPL
  994. XPL0
  995. XSB
  996. XSharp
  997. XSLT
  998. Xtend
  999. Yacc
  1000. Yahoo! Query Language
  1001. YAP
  1002. Yoix
  1003. Yorick
  1004. Ypsilax
  1005. YUI
  1006. Z Notation
  1007. Z++ No live site
  1008. Zebra
  1009. Zeno
  1010. ZetaLisp
  1011. ZIG
  1012. ZOPL
  1013. ZPL
  1014. Zsh 

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Sobre Facialix

Facialix es un sitio web que tiene como objetivo apoyar en el aprendizaje y educación de jóvenes y grandes. Buscando y categorizando recursos educativos gratuitos de internet, de esta manera Facialix ayuda en el constante aprendizaje de todos.


Mi objetivo es ayudar en el aprendizaje de los demás, y jugar Halo en mi tiempo libre.

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