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  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Get Ready for your DBS-C01 exam – AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests

Preparing for AWS Certified Database Specialty DBS-C01? This is THE practice exam course to give you the winning edge.

The AWS Certified Database Specialty ( DBS-C01 ) exam is intended for individuals who perform in a database-focused role. This exam validates an examinee’s comprehensive understanding of databases, including the concepts of design, migration, deployment, access, maintenance, automation, monitoring, security, and troubleshooting.

These practice exams have been co-authored by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh who bring their collective experience of passing 18 AWS Certifications to the table.

The tone and tenor of the questions mimic the real exam. Along with the detailed description and “exam alert” provided within the explanations, we have also extensively referenced AWS documentation to get you up to speed on all domain areas being tested for the DBS-C01 exam.

Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS Certified Database Specialty certification!

This AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that provides the following:

  • Add a new attribute in the table to track the expiration time and set up a Glue job to delete items that are more than a week old

  • SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT – mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Certified Database Specialty exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam!

  • Add a created_at attribute in the table and then use a CloudWatch Events rule to invoke a Lambda function daily. The Lambda function deletes items older than a week on the basis of this attribute

  • VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS – our friendly team of AWS experts is able to address all your issues and questions within 3-5 business days.

  • CONTAINS A TEST REPORT – to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement.

AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Exams

Get Ready for your DBS-C01 exam – AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests»

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