• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:4 minutos de lectura

Learn how to build a console application to automate tasks and reuse over and over again for work projects

This is a course that will benefit everyone but it would be helpful if you had basic knowledge of databases, C# and logging, but it is not necessary,

Are you tried of 40 hour courses where you do not retain most of it and cannot use most of it in your work? Well here is a course that lets you create a useful project you can actually use over and over and over.

Shiny web applications are not the only useful software around, in fact you will probably spend more time creating smaller applications to perform automated tasks and why not learn how to and have a base project you can use over and over gain while you are at it. Not only that but you get to create a CSV Parser and this is one of the most common small and larger projects in the workplace.

See what real world programming is and see how to manage and solve problems and mistakes. Do not try to remember endless syntax, instead learn how to ask the right questions to get the right answers.

We include how to use logging, performant ADO . NET, notification services, CSV parsing using CSV helper which is very popular, database design and creation and learn how to create clean expressive code.

You will truly tested with this project and you will see exciting challenges coming. Can you handle it? Can you? Well then enrol and lets get this journey started. 

Build professional real world C# Application

Learn how to build a console application to automate tasks and reuse over and over again for work projects»

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