Sharpen Your HTML & CSS Knowledge By Building 6 Cool Projects.
Hello, welcome to this course, where you will create modern and beautiful projects with just HTML and CSS. This course is aimed at people with basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, and are looking to build projects in order to have more experience and sharpen their design skills.
We will build together 6 creative projects which are full of modern, nice, and beautiful animations and other effects.
All of the projects are created from scratch. There will be no already made codes. We will write out all of the HTML & CSS completely from start to finish and I will explain each step I take as we move forward.
After this course, you will have enough knowledge and experience to move on to other technologies like front-end frameworks and libraries like bootstrap and other highly demanded stacks.
Listed below are the projects we will be building.
-Glassmorphism Credit Card
-A Price Card
-A Login Page
-A Shopping Item Product With Beautiful Animation
-A Landing Page Website With Collapsible Navbar
-A Gym Website
During this, some of what we learn about and use are font-awesome icons, google fonts, pseudo selectors,gradients and more.
All the projects are fully responsive and also, most importantly, the projects we will build are useful and can be used on any website.
What are you waiting for? Enroll now and join the fun.
Build Projects in HTML And CSS
Sharpen Your HTML & CSS Knowledge By Building 6 Cool Projects.»
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