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Learn all about the practical industry knowledge of distributed generation with this course!

Clean Technology Fundamentals: Distributed Generation is a comprehensive video course where you can learn all about the different types of distributed generation that are essential in working in the industry; from basic knowledge to simple designs.

I have handcrafted this course to allow students to acquire core fundamental knowledge on distributed generation as well as how to apply it in the utility industry.

If you are currently a professional who are interested working with Cleantech (Clean Technology), you will find this course of great help to get the fundamental knowledge you need to kick start your professional career. If you just got a job in the renewable energy industry, this course is designed for you to learn about the foundation knowledge required in your career.

As long as you have interest in a career that electrical engineering , this course can help you to get an advantage at looking for work or giving you an edge over your competitors as it gives you core knowledge of how on distributed generation and Cleantech that you would not have otherwise obtain unless you have worked in specific industries for years, especially within the utility and energy industry. And knowledge is power.

So let’s get started! Let’s start your fulfilling journey and mark an important point of your phenomenal career!

Clean Technology Fundamentals: Distributed Generation

Learn all about the practical industry knowledge of distributed generation with this course!”


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