Easy Step By Step Guide
Clip Studio Paint is now THE industry go-to for creating comic books, and amazing illustrations. The tools in it are a step above other programs, so it’s no wonder everyone is jumping on board. But… do you know how to use it? REALLY know?
Well, artist, and instructor, Ed Foychuk is here to help guide your way. After having used this program in its earlier versions while living in Asia, Ed has mastered it inside and out, and will teach you the tricks you need to know to create the amazing comics you have inside your head!
In this course he will cover…
Comparing Pro vs Ex
Setting Up a New Document
Understanding your Workspace and Hotkeys
Tools – Basics
Tools – Brushes
Tools – Creating Brushes
Tool – Rulers
Tool – Transform Options (plus Liquify!)
Tool – Manga Tools
Layers – Basics
Layers – Mode Modifiers
Layers – Raster vs Vector
Layers – Tips
Converting Scanned Line Art
Story – Set Up
Story – Page Panels
Story – Boom! Panel Hack
Story – Word Balloons and Text
Materials – Image
3D – Basics and Primatives
3D – Figures – Posing, editing, and Lighting
3D – Animation
2D – Animation
Exporting and Saving
Many online tutorials are hard to follow, mostly because they’re produced in Japanese. Ed makes sure to take the mystery out of this program for you, and really explore all the functions you’re looking to learn. You can take in over 6 1/2 hours of content at your leisure. Doing the units and assignments at YOUR pace!
And, anyone who knows Ed as an instructor knows how good he is at updating his course content. So, don’t you worry, if changes to the program come out, changes to this course won’t be far behind!
So, stop stumbling through Clip Studio Paint. Stop being frustrated with it. Stop missing out on all the awesomeness it has to offer!! Jump into this course on Udemy now and start your learning! Your art will thank you for it.
Clip Studio Paint – From Beginner to Advanced
Easy Step By Step Guide»
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