Learn German FAST with this non-stop German speaking course for BEGINNERS: learning German will be easy and fun!
The ultimate German beginner course that will teach you German faster than you thought possible! If you’ve ever dreamed of travelling to Germany, Austria, Switzerland or any other German-speaking country and holding your own in real-life situations, being independent and able to communicate with the locals,. Perhaps you want to experience the rich culture and sample the delicious local cuisine or do business with local companies. Whatever your reason, this German course for beginners is right for you!
During our course you will learn:
Lots and lots of vocabulary
How to read and write in German
Useful everyday phrases
Basic sentence structures
Basic grammar rules most beginner courses don’t teach
After taking this course you will be able to:
Greet people and introduce yourself both formally and casually
Pronounce words correctly without hearing them first
Read a restaurant menu
Count up to 1000
Order food and drinks
Give and receive directions
Describe yourself and other people in both personality and appearance
Tell the time
Make requests, describe what you want and what you plan to do
Express your feelings, your interests and dislikes
Navigate multiple types of everyday situations, like shopping
Give and receive directions to places you need to go to
Create sentences in the past tense
Distinguish between the past tenses
Form questions and negations in the past
Acquire and hone translation skills
Structure new sentences with ease
Adapt to new situations, such as using public transportation or visiting the doctor
Learn how to use social media and technology
Conquer the basics of dating in German
Learn to make comparisons
Create sentences in the future tense
Use noun cases correctly, such as the accusative and the dative cases
Conquer hundreds of words necessary for day-to-day life
Tackle new topics, such as working from home and global healthcare
This course aims to help you master the basics of German and give you a strong base onto which you will be able to build your skills as a German speaker.
Start your German journey with us today!
Complete German Course: Learn German for Beginners
Learn German FAST with this non-stop German speaking course for BEGINNERS: learning German will be easy and fun!»
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