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  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Basic computer course with troubleshooting skills -computer hardware and computer networking, for IT support technicians

***Updated June 2022 to ensure that course information remains relevant – i.e the existence of Windows 11 and the fact it isn’t widely used commercially yet***

Basic computer course which assumes that you have some previous knowledge of the fundamental basics on how to use a computer and covers the basic IT essentials of desktop support issues that can come up in a company computer network on a daily basis, including computer hardware and computer networking, assuming your PC is running Windows XP, 7 or 10, covering everything from installing missing printers to troubleshooting problems with email messages.

Some examples of included modules are as follows:

· Physical checks that can be completed during initial troubleshooting, such as making sure that cables are plugged in correctly.

· Some of the common fixes for slow PCs, including how to use the Task Manager utility, both through the GUI and through the Windows command line.

· How to identify the operating system of a computer you are investigating a problem with.

· How to determine the hostname and IP address of a computer system

· An overview of where to access settings for multiple monitors and how to change the screen order and screen resolution on a computer.

· How to setup a network printer that is located on your organisation’s local area network.

· Information on what to include within a helpdesk ticket so that an issue can be resolved as quickly as possible, also useful for passing tickets between internal IT departments.


Computer Basics – Windows 7/10 – Desktop IT Support Training

Basic computer course with troubleshooting skills -computer hardware and computer networking, for IT support technicians»

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