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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Perform Data Analysis and create visualizations

Power BI is a business analytics solution that lets you visualize your data and share insights across your organization, or embed them in your app or website. Connect to hundreds of data sources and bring your data to life with live dashboards and reports.

Discover how to quickly glean insights from your data using Power BI. This formidable set of business analytics tools—which includes the Power BI service, Power BI Desktop, and Power BI Mobile—can help you more effectively create and share impactful visualizations with others in your organization.

In this beginners course you will learn how to  get started with this powerful toolset.  We will  cover topics like  connecting to and transforming web based data sources.  You will learn how to publish and share your reports and visuals on the Power BI service.

You will learn  how to import data, create visualizations, and arrange those visualizations into reports. You will learn how to how to pin visualizations to dashboards for sharing. You  will also learn how to use  DAX  language( Data Analysis Expressions) to perform calculations on data models.

Topics include:

Connecting to SQL Server and PostgreSQL Databases

Connecting to Microsoft Access Database File

Creating reports with data visualizations

Modifying existing reports

Creating and managing data dashboards

Creating Power BI datasets, dashboards, reports, and workbooks

Connecting to web based data source

Connecting to Excel dataset


Using Query Editor

Joining tables and creating tables

Formulating via DAX logic

Using quick measures and dynamic measures

Using conditional statements

Performing various transformation on connected dataset

Power BI/Data Analyst – Power BI/SQL/Azure/Excel/Alteryx

Perform Data Analysis and create visualizations»

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