Create application using MongDB Atlas, Free MQTT brokers, deploy as NPM library & angular elements & ship to Heroku
You would be learning how you can implement your own Chatting application that can be integrated to any website developed in Angular/ React/Vue/WordPress or pure HTML webpage.
Encapsulate everything in your application, using all FREE tools, and no cost/license is required to run this application.
We will be using MQTT as the message broker, which will help you to Chat
Pure JS integrations keep your client application clean and Zero integration cost makes it easier and acceptable
MongoDB atlas Free tier gives you the freedom to save your sent messages
Technology independent architecture helps to gain the advantage of scaling to wide variety of applications and websites
Design and concepts from scratch helps you gain more and understand the things in better way
Learn and Scale for your support systems.
MongoDB Atlas free tier integration
Heroku account setup and deployment of server
Managing the connections and listening to Chat queue
You can learn everything from scratch and get most out of it.
Learn to build and deploy your own NPM library
Managing versions of library
Publishing the README files
Make Angular elements out of library
Learn how you can create angular elements which produces pure JS version of your project
Integration and testing of the Chat popup in any of the templates
Test using multiple web templates
Get more examples and test use cases to learn and explore more.
Free Own Chat Application from scratch using MQTT & MEAN
Create application using MongDB Atlas, Free MQTT brokers, deploy as NPM library & angular elements & ship to Heroku»
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