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Conviértase en un líder de la próxima generación, logre más y cree impacto

**Course Updated – February 2022**




Let me ask you a question… How would you like to be able to learn to lead? If the answer is YES, then listen real close to what I say. In this course, I have explained the entire process that can create a fantastic leader who is loved and respected by others when integrated into your life. You will also learn to approach the different situations with a leadership-centric approach. It doesn’t matter where ever you stand today. The ability to understand, value, learn from mistakes, and have a fantastic experience around others is the hallmark of a truly successful leader. In this course, I have talked about different types of leadership mindsets… for example, action mindset, the reflective mindset of a leader, etc… and most importantly, I have talked in detail about servile leadership… Yes, the leadership skill of this century, and if you have understood this skill and successfully implemented this… It’s my BOLD promise that you are going to emerge as an amazing leader for your people….

Let me guess, you are thinking… “I am not in a leadership role in my organization and it’s not for me”… Well! In my opinion, anyone can be a leader in various facets of life- you can be a leader in your office, at your home, out with your friends and etc… It’s a skill that when developed can create an amazing YOU. You know what, I did it too, in fact, I am just like you. So, all you have to do right now is to simply click the “Enroll Button” on this page, and on the next page, I will give all the details about how you too can become an amazing leader whom people will adore and follow with love and respect than fear and disgust.

This course has been divided into 7 sections. In each section, I have discussed in detail different aspects that you would need to master to emerge as an amazing leader.

In this course, you will learn human Characteristics and how you can understand your people and modify your actions which will allow others to follow you and respect you. Which is my friend is being a leader. You will learn the 360 approaches of leadership, you will also learn to leverage emotional intelligence to your benefit to emerge as a great leader, and many more. So, be prepared with your pens and notepads to take notes while you listen to the lectures.

Each section has exercises to be done for a better understanding of the concept. And I would encourage you to complete the exercises before you move to the next one.

Throughout the course, you will hear me giving many different examples in the form of case studies and stories to make your understanding better and more relatable.

I know a lot of you do not have time to sit and go through the videos… Well! Here’s the good news… this entire course is specially formulated in a way that you can just listen to it and pause it whenever you want and do the exercise at your will… So, let me tell you what I personally do in such a scenario, I drive to my work every morning listening to an audio course just like this one… It saves my time, makes me more productive, and in my opinion it’s the best use of my time…

Once, you have successfully completed the course. In the last section of this course, you will learn the tools and techniques to apply a real-life application of leadership skills and I have also explained how you too can do the same for yourself. So, what are you waiting for?? Let’s dive into creating an amazing leader, that’s none that YOU, my friends.

Thank you and I will see you on the course!

Atrévete a liderar: cómo convertirte en un líder de la próxima generación

Te puede interesar también:

Conviértase en un líder de la próxima generación, logre más y cree impacto”

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Es imposible saber el tiempo exacto ya que solo Udemy o el instructor pueden personalizar variables (tiempo, cantidad, etc.) para definir un tiempo límite. Con base a nuestra experiencia, lo máximo que puede durar son 3 días y lo mínimo unos 10 minutos.

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No, como ya dijimos los cupones pueden vencer en cualquier momento. Si aun encontraste el cupón activo te recomendamos reclamar el curso y guardarlo en tu biblioteca dentro de la plataforma.

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En teoría es indefinidamente, pero existen casos donde los cursos son eliminados ya sea por la propia plataforma o por el instructor.

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