4 Concept Based Practice Test for Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Exam with detailed explanations. Pass Exam by Practicing!!
This course is intended for the users who are looking for building a career in Cloud.
Be it any cloud provider the concepts remains the same, generally the most used cloud providers are Azure, AWS and GCP.
Here it is best to start with the Azure as the growing demand for Azure Cloud has created huge opportunities in this field and with Azure Fundamentals Exam you will be ready to start your career in the Cloud Domain specifically in Azure
This course is intended for the users who are looking for building a career in Cloud.
Be it any cloud provider the concepts remains the same, generally the most used cloud providers are Azure, AWS and GCP.
Here it is best to start with the Azure as the growing demand for Azure Cloud has created huge opportunities in this field and with AZ-900 Exam you will be ready to start your career in the Cloud Domain specifically in Azure.
AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals is for the individual who are looking forward:
To understand the cloud concepts.
To understand the core Azure services.
To devise core solutions and management tools on Azure
To grab the concepts of general security and network security features.
To understand the concepts of identity, governance, privacy, and compliance features.
To check on cost management and Service Level Agreements.
AZ-900 Practice test are designed on the basis of the exam weightage, which means the number of questions will be directly proportional to topics questions that will be in the exam, and this is the unique thing in all these practice test!!
Beside the weightage of questions as per topics, the practice test are designed in such a way that if you are new to the industry or starting the certification journey, it will be super easy for you to cope up with the course questions structure as it contains test questions on basis knowledge levels:
This aligns the first practice test as easiest one and last test as the toughest one!!
Even if you are fully prepared then also this will help as you can start from final test to check where you are standing in terms of certification preparation and then move on to pre hard levels, this will ensure your concepts are being stronger than before.
What you will be learning in this course:
High Availability
Disaster Recovery
Difference between Capex-Capital Expenditure & Opex-Operational Expenditure
concept of shared responsibility model
Concepts of Public cloud, Private cloud and Hybrid cloud
Concepts about Azure architectural components
About the core solutions available in Azure cloud.
Describe different management tools
Concept of Azure security features.
Concepts of Azure network security.
concepts of cost management
concepts of Service Level Agreements
And many more concepts….
AZ-900Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Test[March-2022]
4 Concept Based Practice Test for Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Exam with detailed explanations. Pass Exam by Practicing!!»
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