• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:6 minutos de lectura

Complete Git and GitHub guide via Practice Tests – Revisit all Git features: commits, branches, squashing etc

No matter if you’re just getting started with Software development, if you’re applying for a developer job or if you just need to refresh your knowledge – version control is a core skill you need to succeed as a developer! Git (a version control system) and Github (a cloud provider for Git managed projects) form an outstanding combination to provide the best possible experience to create and maintain a clearly structured project history!

Why Should I Know these Tools?

Version control is key to manage projects efficiently so not knowing Git and GitHub makes your daily developer life a lot more complicated. The same apply if you’re currently looking for a new job in the industry, version control is required in any developer projects these days, so not knowing Git & GitHub puts you behind your competition!

What topics are covered in these Tests?

  • Git Installation and Beginners to Advanced usage

  • Creating Git Repositories

  • Working with Commits

  • Branches

  • HEAD and the detached HEAD

  • The Stash

  • Merging, Rebasing and Cherry Picking

  • Connecting Local Git Repositories to Remote GitHub Repositories

  • Git Push & Pull (+ Fetch)

  • Local, Remote Tracking & Remote Branches

  • Forks & Pull Requests

  • GitHub Issues and so much more!

What does this course offer you?

  • This course consists of 4 practice tests.

  • Practice test consists of 30-40 questions each, timed at 30 minutes

  • The questions are multiple-choice.

  • The answers are randomized every time you take a test.

  • Questions are of varying difficulty – from easy to moderate to tough.

  • Once the test is complete, you will get an instant result report with categories of strength to weakness.

  • You can re-take the tests over and over again as and when it suits you.

  • New set of questions will be added frequently and you can practice along without having to buy the course again.

  • Learning Resources will be shared over email frequently to all enrolled students, along with any latest news/events.

With this course you will get lifetime-long access to 100+ Interview and Practice Questions that are updated frequently. After the test you will become more confident of Git and GitHub and will be able easily perform basic and advanced Git tasks.

But most important is that you will UNDERSTAND Git.

You will also get 30-days money-back guarantee. No questions asked!

Don’t wait and join the course now!


Git &Github Practice Tests & Interview Questions (Basic/Adv)

Complete Git and GitHub guide via Practice Tests – Revisit all Git features: commits, branches, squashing etc»

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