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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:6 minutos de lectura

Mock test questions-answers (UPDATED 6 tests) Detailed Explanations w/ deep-dive reference links that covers all topics.

You’ve set your goal. Now it’s time to build knowledge and skills to propel your career.

To pass the ITIL 4 Foundation certification exam, it is very important to select an updated preparation material. This will save your time from being wasted on the outdated topics.

I can read your mind. I can see that you are repeating the fundamental question here… which is: Why purchasing this course and not the others? right?

Well if you are interested in becoming ITIL4 certified, require a basic understanding of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library framework, or maybe a students who is stuck in a cycle of tutorials and want to go beyond «beginner» ITIL 4 tutorials this is 100% made for you because:

  1. You will learn the guiding principles of ITIL 4.

  2. You will test yourself on multiple exams to make it from your first attempt.

  3. You can use these tests as a Pre-Assessment in order to identify your areas where you need to focus on learning.

  4. You will learn ITIL 4 Concepts.

  5. You will have access to updated explanations of questions in all practice tests.

Note that each question has a detailed explanation and links to reference materials to support the answers.

And guess what! all you need is a computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) with an internet connection and some basic ITIL 4 knowledge.

Exam overview:

Length: 60 minutes to complete the exam.

Format: 40 question, either multiple choice or multiple response.

Number of exam: 6

240 question in total

360 min in total

About me:


I started my business life as an IT engineer and guess what… I am loving it. Apart from my business life, I have been dealing with Information Technologies for more than 6 years and aim to learn and teach every level of it, I am very passionate at what I do that is why I decided to spend my time creating educational courses to share the knowledge I have, and most importantly to make it easier for students to reach their goals.

Sometimes we can have the knowledge required but we get confused on how to use it properly that’s why we fail on exams, tests, practical things… even though deep down we know that we have the capacity needed to succeed. Trust me I am familiar with the struggle, also the one that comes to find the best of the best practice exams, the exams that will teach you what the course didn’t, I have wasted so much time just to find the ideal ones, so to make your road a little bit shorter I created them by myself, even though my courses here on Udemy are new, but they have been created based on my experience of training more than 4years, bringing the best practices on board. So instead of wasting your time on searching for them, you will be practicing these instead and saving so much time and energy.

Keep in mind that with the right training, anyone can improve.

Wishing you all the best!

ITIL 4 Foundation practice tests with explanations 2022

Mock test questions-answers (UPDATED 6 tests) Detailed Explanations w/ deep-dive reference links that covers all topics.»

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