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Improve your machine learning skills and solve over 100 exercises in python, numpy, pandas and scikit-learn!





  • 200+ Exercises – Programming in Python – from A to Z

  • 210+ Exercises – Python Standard Libraries – from A to Z

  • 150+ Exercises – Object Oriented Programming in Python – OOP

  • 150+ Exercises – Data Structures in Python – Hands-On

  • 100+ Exercises – Advanced Python Programming

  • 100+ Exercises – Unit tests in Python – unittest framework

  • 100+ Exercises – Python Programming – Data Science – NumPy

  • 100+ Exercises – Python Programming – Data Science – Pandas

  • 100+ Exercises – Python – Data Science – scikit-learn

  • 250+ Exercises – Data Science Bootcamp in Python

  • 110+ Exercises – Python + SQL (sqlite3) – SQLite Databases

  • 250+ Questions – Job Interview – Python Developer


  • SQL Bootcamp – Hands-On Exercises – SQLite – Part I

  • SQL Bootcamp – Hands-On Exercises – SQLite – Part II

  • 110+ Exercises – Python + SQL (sqlite3) – SQLite Databases

  • 200+ Questions – Job Interview – SQL Developer


  • 250+ Questions – Job Interview – Python Developer

  • 200+ Questions – Job Interview – SQL Developer

  • 200+ Questions – Job Interview – Software Developer – Git

  • 200+ Questions – Job Interview – Data Scientist




100+ Exercises – Python – Data Science – scikit-learn

Welcome to the course 100+ Exercises – Python – Data Science – scikit-learn where you can test your Python programming skills in machine learning, specifically in scikit-learn package.

Topics you will find in the exercises:

  • preparing data to machine learning models

  • working with missing values, SimpleImputer class

  • classification, regression, clustering

  • discretization

  • feature extraction

  • PolynomialFeatures class

  • LabelEncoder class

  • OneHotEncoder class

  • StandardScaler class

  • dummy encoding

  • splitting data into train and test set

  • LogisticRegression class

  • confusion matrix

  • classification report

  • LinearRegression class

  • MAE – Mean Absolute Error

  • MSE – Mean Squared Error

  • sigmoid() function

  • entorpy

  • accuracy score

  • DecisionTreeClassifier class

  • GridSearchCV class

  • RandomForestClassifier class

  • CountVectorizer class

  • TfidfVectorizer class

  • KMeans class

  • AgglomerativeClustering class

  • HierarchicalClustering class

  • DBSCAN class

  • dimensionality reduction, PCA analysis

  • Association Rules

  • LocalOutlierFactor class

  • IsolationForest class

  • KNeighborsClassifier class

  • MultinomialNB class

  • GradientBoostingRegressor class


This course is designed for people who have basic knowledge in Python, numpy, pandas and scikit-learn. It consists of over 100 exercises with solutions.

This is a great test for people who are learning machine learning and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview. Many popular topics were covered in this course.

If you’re wondering if it’s worth taking a step towards Python, don’t hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.

100+ Exercises – Python – Data Science – scikit-learn – 2022

Improve your machine learning skills and solve over 100 exercises in python, numpy, pandas and scikit-learn!”

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