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  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Learn API testing with Postman from scratch

Some of you may ask a question: “Why should I select this course, instead of learning Postman by myself?

So, what is extremely cool about this course?

That you won’t learn just theory.

You will have practical technical tasks connected to real testing of API endpoints.

You don’t need to search for other questions in Google, because you cannot understand lessons or homework.

Everything is in here. In one place. In this training course.

This guaranty to you that with this training course you will save a lot of your time.

Because if you would start learning Postman by yourself you would notice that on the internet there are a lot of directions to learn Postman, a lot of different specific topics to learn, which are not applicable on most projects.

And all of this in one single training course from the very beginning.

What I suggest to you, is a training course, where step by step, with a detailed homework program, with practical tasks, with a detailed review of solution of each practical task we will learn Postman together.

This program will give you enough knowledge to get your first job and be able to test an API web service with the help of Postman.

Webservices API Testing with Postman – Complete Guide

Learn API testing with Postman from scratch»


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