Jump-start your cybersecurity career from the gateway to success: A Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst
Join over 10,000 students in this top hands-on Cybersecurity SOC course!
A transition to cybersecurity as a Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst position is the start of a new path for you. Learn to actively analyze threats, protect your enterprise from harm, and kick-start your road to cybersecurity success with this one-of-a-kind course. Be inspired by real SOC Analyst stories while being prepared for entering cybersecurity. This course’s video lectures, quizzes, practice test, assignments, course companion guides and capstone project equip you with everything you need for a notable advantage for entering this dynamic field of work.
Cybersecurity Professional, Author, and Mentor Tyler Wall carefully and expertly share real-world insights and practical tips in Cybersecurity: Security Operations Center Analyst NOW! The recent surplus in demand for Security Operations Center (SOC) Analysts makes Cybersecurity: Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst NOW! a must-have for aspiring tech professionals and long-time veterans alike. Recent industry developments such as using the cloud and security automation are broken down in concise, understandable ways, to name a few. The rapidly changing world of cybersecurity requires innovation and fresh eyes, and this course is your roadmap to success.
*Based on the popular book Jump-start Your SOC Analyst Career – Available anywhere books are sold.
Cybersecurity: Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst NOW!
Jump-start your cybersecurity career from the gateway to success: A Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst»
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