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Effective Data Wrangling and Exploration with R – Part II

This course will teach you all you need to know to manipulate string, date, and categorical data effectively in R. We shall make use of base R, the stringr package, the forcats package, the chron package and the lubridate packages in this course. This course is the second in a series of  four courses dealing with data wrangling and exploration in R. The others are:

  • Importing and exporting data in R: which has to do with importing csv, tab, txt, xlsx and other file types into R

  • Effective Data frame manipulation in R: which involves using base R, the packages dplyr, tidyr, data.table, and sqldf to manipulate data frames

  • Effective Data cleaning and exploration

    In this course, we are going to look at the following:

  • reading and writing raw text data

  • formatting strings

  • joining and splitting strings

  • subsetting strings

  • cleaning strings

  • performing set operations on strings

  • regex functions in both base R and stringr

  • performing regex operations

  • creating factors and ordered factors

  • factor attributes and structure

  • inspecting factors

  • manipulating factors

  • converting strings and numeric to factors and vice versa

  • the Date class

  • the POSIXt classes

  • the chron package

  • the lubridate package

  • creating dates and date-times from integers and strings

  • extracting date-time parts

  • getting the current date and date-time

  • performing date-time calculations

  • rounding datetimes

  • formatting datetimes

  • timespans: duration, periods, and interval

  • importing date-time columns

Hope you enjoy this course as we did developing it.

Effective Date, String & Categorical Data Manipulation in R

Effective Data Wrangling and Exploration with R – Part II”

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