• Autor de la entrada:
  • Categoría de la entrada:Cupones / Cursos
  • Tiempo de lectura:5 minutos de lectura

Creating games using MonoGame. Fully coded experience for beginners

What is MonoGame?

It is a free framework used by software game developers to design games It is developed by Jose Antonio Farias and Bill Reiss. Firstly, official release 2.5.1 was done in June 2012. This version supports only 2D. It can run on different platforms. It supports different operating systems like Android, IOS, PlayStation, Linux, and many more. It uses Microsoft XNA 4 API. Famous games created using this software are Fez and Bastion.

Which Skills will you learn in this Training?

The main purpose of this course is to make any new developer learn the coding skills of the MonoGame framework. This course will let you learn the back end programming of MonoGame. After completing this course user will able to create their 2D or 3D games. In the starting video tutorials, the user will learn about the basic application tools. In the last modules, we will create our games and apply those tools to learn how to apply those tools. After learning the last tutorials user will able to make their games.

The course will start with a detailed description of the MonoGame software. This course how we can start working in MonoGame software. It tells about the platform needed to run this software. It contains all the useful websites to download the applications required for this software. This starting course is very useful from the perspective of any developer.

This course tells the installation methods to use MonoGame software on your laptop or PC. The installation method is explained with all the images needed to run this software. This course is so well explained that a person having even a small knowledge can successfully install this software in his or her system. Links of necessary websites are given in the course to download the set up required to install this software. After successfully installing the setup the next step is to use this software.

Game Programming and Game Development with MonoGame

Creating games using MonoGame. Fully coded experience for beginners»

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